According to the regiment in Karlsborg, none of the conscripts should have eaten the moldy bread.

What caused the food poisoning, which did not occur at the same time as the discovery of the moldy bread, is not yet known.

- Here the supervisory authority has carried out an infection tracing but has not found a clear answer as to how this arose, writes Lotta Skarenberg, head of communications at the regiment in Karlsborg.

Defense health has expressed concern

The report also reveals that conscripts in Gothenburg received too little food at the beginning of their training.

At Älvsborg's amphibious regiment, Amf 4, conscripts stated that they had lost six kilos over six weeks.

The battalion's occupational health care, defense health, must also have expressed concern about the weight of the conscripts, according to the Duty Agency.

- Conscripts have told us that they have lost weight.

Losing a few kilos is something you usually do, but losing five to six kilos is not normal, says Alice Nilsson, chairperson of the Duty Council.

"No wonder losing weight"

But at the amphibious regiment, it is believed that they have not experienced any abnormal weight loss.

- It is not strange to lose weight when you eat at fixed times and exercise daily.

The important thing is that the soldier is followed up so you know why he lost weight, says Johanna Frejme, communications manager at Amf 4.

Rain clothes were missing - in Gothenburg

But it is not only food that worries the Duty Council in the report.

There must also be a lot of equipment missing from the conscripts.

Among other things, there should be a shortage of rain gear and boots.

- It is true that we had a shortage of rain gear at the beginning of the period, it got better later.

But it's not good, of course, that we at the amphibious regiment don't have clothes that can withstand rain, says Johanna Frejme.

According to Johanna Frejme, they solved the problem by having the regiment themselves pay for the purchase of suitable clothing.