Barthélémy Philippe // Photo credits: STEPHANE MOUCHMOUCHE / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 2:54 p.m., January 24, 2024

The SNCF is opening reservations at attractive rates for the Easter holidays and May bridges.

An operation launched in a difficult context for the French national railway company since traffic has recently been severely disrupted on several lines.

Breakdowns and delays have multiplied. 

This Friday, January 19, users of the Intercités Paris-Clermont line experienced a real nightmare.

They were stuck for an entire night on a broken down train, in the middle of the tracks.

But it's not that extraordinary on this line.

Incidents of this type have increased on certain SNCF lines, explained Stéphanie Picard, spokesperson for the users' collective.

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“It was truly hell”

"Eight hours late with very cold temperatures. There was no heating because there was no electricity. It was really hell. The problems on this line are incessant. You still have to know that we runs on trains which were put into circulation between 1975 and 1982", reported Stéphanie Picard. 

The Minister in charge of Transport, Christophe Béchu, announced the summons of the CEO of the SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, for this Friday and it should not simply be a question of Paris-Clermont, because the black streak at the SNCF continues .

Last Sunday, the Paris-Briançon night train arrived at its destination 11 hours late.

The next day, traffic was interrupted for nine hours between Valence and Montélimar due to a signaling problem.

All this comes as the SNCF has increased the price of train tickets by 5% to cope with inflation.