President Biden, who is seeking re-election in the fall US presidential election, held a rally in which he expressed his support for abortion rights, in response to a series of moves by Republican governors to restrict abortion. I emphasized.

It appears that the aim is to increase support by making the issue of abortion an issue of contention.

In the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a nearly 50-year-old judicial decision that found abortion a constitutional right.

Since then, there has been a series of moves led by states with Republican governors to impose stricter regulations on abortion.

Against this backdrop, President Biden, who is seeking re-election in the November presidential election, held a campaign rally in southern Virginia on the 23rd and spoke about abortion rights.

In response to the fact that conservatives were nominated one after another to the U.S. Supreme Court under the previous Trump administration, creating a majority, President Biden said, ``Mr. Trump bears the greatest responsibility for taking away our freedoms.This is a nightmare for American women.'' '' he criticized.

He emphasized his support for abortion rights and called for support for him, saying, "Today is the day to use your voice and your vote to take action."

In last year's midterm elections, the ruling Democratic Party performed better than expected, and it has been pointed out that one of the reasons for this was that it gained support from those opposed to abortion regulations.

President Biden appears to be aiming to expand his support by making the issue of abortion an issue in this presidential election.