United States: campaigning in Virginia, Joe Biden takes the lead on the right to abortion

The presidential campaign in the United States: While eyes were on New Hampshire and the state's Republican primary, Joe Biden is trying to occupy the field.

This Tuesday, January 23, he was traveling in Virginia, on a single theme: the right to abortion.

The person most “responsible” for the loss of abortion freedom in America is Donald Trump, says Joe Biden (our illustration photo).

AP - Alex Brandon

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With our correspondent in the United States,

Guillaume Naudin

Since the end of last week, with the anniversary of the Roe Vs Wade decision which legalized abortion 51 years ago before being overturned a year and a half ago by a Supreme Court that had become ultra conservative, the Biden campaign insists on this subject.

With announcements, Monday September 22, in favor of contraception and medical abortion during a meeting of the dedicated team.

With a trip by Vice-President Kamala Harris to the key state of Wisconsin, with this speech in favor of freedom and the right to abortion, and with a designated opponent. 

There must be punishment

The person most responsible for the loss of this freedom in America is Donald Trump.

Listen to what he says.

Trump says he's proud to have had the decision overturned.

He says,

"there must be punishment"

for women who exercise their right to reproductive freedom.

He describes the Court's decision as a miracle.

But for American women it’s a nightmare

,” says Kamala Harris.

Restore abortion nationally

Limitations on the right to abortion, sometimes total, now concern 21 states.

And Joe Biden promises, if voters reappoint him and if they give him a majority in November 2024, to restore the right to abortion nationally.

The call seems heard.

Even a dozen interruptions by pro-Palestinian activists will be drowned out by the enthusiasm of the public, who want to see four more years in the White House. 

Read alsoUnited States: Donald Trump and Joe Biden both win their primaries in New Hampshire


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