Trump's victory in New Hampshire enhances his chances of obtaining the Republican Party's endorsement to run in the presidential race (French)

Former President Donald Trump won the Republican Party primary elections in New Hampshire against his rival, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, according to estimates published by several American media outlets yesterday evening, Tuesday.

With this victory, which came on the heels of his victory in the state of Iowa, Trump enhances his chances of obtaining the Republican Party’s endorsement for the third time in a row to run in the presidential election.

Haley (52 years old) acknowledged her defeat against Trump, but confirmed that she would continue in the race until the end, warning at the same time that Trump's nomination by the Republican Party would mean President Joe Biden winning another term in the elections scheduled for next November.

She said that Democrats know that Trump is the only Republican in this country that Joe Biden can defeat.

Nikki Haley acknowledged her defeat against Trump, but confirmed that she would continue in the race until the end (French)

Immediately after the release of these media estimates, President Joe Biden's election campaign considered that the former president's victory in New Hampshire meant that his obtaining the nomination of his Republican Party for the presidential elections was almost guaranteed.

“Tonight’s results confirm that Donald Trump has practically secured the Republican nomination,” campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement.

No Republican candidate in the history of the United States has ever won the primaries in the first two states and did not ultimately obtain his party's nomination.

In his first comment, US President Joe Biden said that democracy and individual freedoms are at stake after Trump won the primary elections in New Hampshire.

The Democratic Party candidate, President Joe Biden, was declared the winner of New Hampshire, even though his name was not on the ballot lists.

The Democratic Party had decided to move the first party competition to South Carolina instead of New Hampshire, but a campaign of signatures added President Biden's name to the list of candidates and he came out ahead by a large margin over the rest of the competitors.

For the first time since he lost his electoral battle to win another consecutive presidential term in 2020, the former US president will face the voters, while he is being tried in 4 criminal cases ranging from obtaining top-secret documents and trying to overturn the results of the previous elections, during which he lost to Democrat Joe Biden.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies