During the night, primary elections were held in the state of New Hampshire in the USA.

Not long after the polls had closed, it was clear that Donald Trump had received the most votes.

- This is a win for Donald Trump and a small defeat for Nikki Haley, says Fouad Youcefi, SVT's US correspondent.

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Hear Fouad Youcefi from Manchester, New Hampshire, where the Republican primary was decided.

Photo: Ronald Verhoeven/SVT

And there were harsh words from the ex-president when he gave his victory speech.

Instead of thanking his co-workers, he went hard on his opponent.

- This is not a typical victory number, but we shouldn't call it a victory when she did so poorly.

She takes a lap of honor.

And we hit her so hard, Donald Trump said in the speech.

Before the primary, there has been talk that Nikki Haley has been pulling ahead in New Hampshire, and there has been talk that she might even win.

- That was not the case.

But it is clear that he is still worried because he expressed himself so harshly, says Fouad Youcefi.