In an interview with SVT's 30 minutes, Sara Skyttedal launches a fierce attack on party leader Ebba Busch.

She denies that she would have offered to run for SD and claims that there was a clear plan to depose her.

- I perceive that Ebba Busch has not been honest with me with her intentions, says Skyttedal in the program.

The right phalanx turns its back on Skyttedal

The turbulence of the past year has brought the phalanx battles to life.

Not least after Skyttedal was beaten by the left party's candidate David Lega after the trial election last summer.

For some time, the right-wing side has been concerned that the party leadership is pulling the party to the left.

Several of them therefore rallied behind Skyttedal before the party council last autumn where, despite the loss in the trial election, she was appointed as the first name.

But the day after Skyttedal's interview, several prominent people on the right now make it clear that they stand behind Ebba Busch.

- Most people on my side of the party believe that Sara probably does not understand the seriousness of what she has done.

Regardless of the nuances in the whole thing, she has offered services to another party as a sitting parliamentarian.

It is difficult to get over the disappointment of that action, says a Christian Democrat.

"The last media chorus around Sara"

When asked if it is Sara Skyttedal or Ebba Busch who is telling the truth about what happened, another answers:

- I am confident with the party leadership's process.

From the district board in Kalmar, one of Skyttedal's former partners breathed a sigh of relief when it became clear that she had been poked: Anders Andersson, who with 30 years on the party board was a heavy force when the December agreement fell in 2015.

- I say that we may finally get the last media chorus around Sara.

She has difficulty accepting teamwork and makes her own judgments - which can be right sometimes, but far too often wrong.

SVT is looking for Sara Skyttedal.