As the AzerTaj news agency indicates, the corresponding statement of the delegation was read out at the PACE meeting.

It is noted that the Azerbaijani side accused the organization of being used as a platform for “attacks on some member states.”

“We consider the initiative to challenge the powers of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE as part of this vicious campaign.

We also view this initiative as a deliberate and unacceptable attempt to unjustifiably interfere in the ongoing electoral process in Azerbaijan,” the document says.

It is noted that an unbearable atmosphere of “racism, Azerbaijanophobia and Islamophobia” has developed in PACE.

“The Azerbaijani delegation decides to cease its interaction and presence in PACE until further notice,” the statement states.

In April 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that it had become pointless for Russia to work on some platforms, for example in PACE: these instruments were created in the early 1990s and have already outlived their usefulness.