Thailand: cleared by justice Pita Limjaroenrat, the leader of the opposition becomes a deputy again

This Wednesday, January 24, the Thai Constitutional Court exonerated the leader of the pro-democracy movement, Pita Limjaroenrat, who thus regains his mandate as deputy, after months of uncertainty about his political future.

This January 24, Pita Limjaroenrat (our illustration photo) regains her mandate as deputy, after months of uncertainty about her political future.


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The Court has decided that his status as a deputy is not over

,” declared Wednesday, January 24, Judge Punya Udchachon, during the reading of the verdict.

This was particularly awaited in a kingdom torn between traditional elites clinging to power, and younger generations seeking renewal, of which Pita Limjaroenrat, 43, is the standard bearer.

In Bangkok, in front of the court, under reinforced police surveillance, dozens of supporters celebrated the announcement, singing “

Pita Prime Minister

”, noted AFP journalists on site.


Go forward


It’s just a detour.

No matter the verdict, we will continue to move forward

,” said Pita Limjaroenrat upon her arrival at the courthouse.

Last April, his Move Forward party won the legislative elections on the basis of a program aimed at modernizing institutions deemed failing after almost a decade under military domination.

But the rise of the former Harvard student has sparked an outcry from his military-royalist opponents who consider his program too radical vis-à-vis the monarchy.

“Pita”, with an atypical profile, notably lost – in summer 2023 – the vote to become Prime Minister due to pro-army senators.

He has also been targeted by legal action, in what he denounces as an attempt at political destabilization.

He remains the subject of legal proceedings, concerning accusations of lese majeste against Move Forward.

The Constitutional Court is due to deliver its verdict within a week.

This Wednesday, the judges ruled in his favor in another case.

He was suspected of having owned shares in a television channel during the election campaign, in contradiction with Thai law which prohibits candidates from being involved in the management of press organizations.

Important role of the Constitutional Court

The Constitutional Court has played an important role in several of the political crises that recurrently agitate Thailand, notably by pronouncing the dissolution - in 2020 - of Future Forward, the ancestor of Move Forward.

This decision provoked large demonstrations at the time demanding the overhaul of a system considered to be lacking in transparency and biased.


With AFP


Also read: Thailand: record sentence of 50 years in prison for a crime of lèse-majesté


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