Uppsala is still recovering from an autumn burdened by serious crimes.

However, the police believe they have a forecast that speaks for an 85 percent clearance rate.

- What it means concretely is that someone has been convicted of the crime, says Johan Segerholm, investigator in serious crimes at the police in Uppsala.

The 50 cases counted fall within the special event announced in September.

Technical proof important

Many investigations are therefore on the prosecutors' desks.

Which of course also means that the technical evidence is of great importance in obtaining a conviction.

Prosecutor Tomas Bälter, who handled, among other things, the midsummer shooting in Gottsunda and the Fullerö explosion, says that camera surveillance is one of the most important methods of evidence, along with DNA and material from mobile phones.

- My view is that surveillance cameras are becoming increasingly important.

For example, we would never have been able to solve the Gottsunda shooting in midsummer if we didn't have footage of the perpetrators, says Tomas Bälter.