Angela Martialay Madrid


Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-18:49

  • Justice The Senate urges García Ortiz so that the Prosecutor's Office does not delay its report on the amnesty any longer

  • Politics The Government defends the change in the Amnesty Law because what happened in the 'procés' is not comparable with ETA's terrorism

The members of the Fiscal Council stand up to the State Attorney General

, Álvaro García Ortiz,

for having hidden from them the Senate's request to report on the proposal of the Amnesty Law to the


EL MUNDO reported today that the president of the Senate

Pedro Rollán

sent a letter this Tuesday to

García Ortiz

, where he informed him that he has had on his table since last December 7 the request from the Upper House Table for the

Fiscal Council

to report on the proposed Amnesty Law and has not yet obtained any response from the head of the Public Ministry.

On December 5, the Senate Board agreed that the constitutional body issue a legal analysis on the erasure of crimes from the


The attorney general has not yet forwarded the Senate's request to the members of the Fiscal Council, s

The members of the Fiscal Council of the

Association of Prosecutors

showed their "deep astonishment and rejection that a request of this nature and relevance, coming from a constitutional body, has not only not been attended to, but has also been removed from the knowledge of the Fiscal Council for weeks."

From the Association of Prosecutors they have sent a letter to Álvaro García Ortiz where they emphasize that "by virtue of the principle of collaboration between the constitutional bodies, the inattention of the State Attorney General to the request received, made clear in the letter from the president of the Senate of January 23".

The members ask the attorney general to "immediately process the request for a report received, requiring an extension for its evacuation, and to proceed in accordance with the processing protocol set forth in the agreement of the State Attorney General of 30 April 2019 regarding the appointment of speakers, preparation and approval of the report by the Plenary of the Fiscal Council".

On the other hand, the member of the

Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors


Salvador Viada,

has written to the attorney general to provide them with information on the statement of the Fiscal Council on the proposed Amnesty Law.

García Ortiz took office this Wednesday in an act at the

Supreme Court


When questioned about this issue, he indicated that when he received the first request from the Senate to report on the amnesty he still did not know if he would be reappointed attorney general and that now that he has been appointed he will study the request.

Fiscal sources point out that the fact that the Fiscal Council has to report or not on the amnesty is not a decision that can be adopted exclusively by the attorney general since it is a constitutional and collegiate body where it does not decide unilaterally. Garcia Ortiz.

Before receiving the request from the Upper House, the members of the AF had already unsuccessfully asked the attorney general to analyze the erasure of the crimes of the


Together with the Fiscal Council, the Senate has informed the

General Council of the Judiciary

to also rule on the amnesty for the protagonists of the


In the case of the governing body of judges, speakers have already been appointed who are currently working on the report that is expected to be debated in plenary after the Galician elections on February 18.