Li Qiang chaired a symposium with experts, entrepreneurs and representatives from education, science, culture, health and sports.

Listen to opinions and suggestions on the government work report

Ding Xuexiang attended

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 23. Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, chaired a symposium of experts, entrepreneurs and representatives from education, science, culture, health and sports on the afternoon of January 23 to hear comments on the "Government Work Report (Draft for Comments)" 》Opinions and suggestions.

  Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the meeting.

  At the symposium, Ma Haitao, Li Yanhong, Yan Jianwen, Li Luming, Wang Xiaoyun, Wang Chunfa, Liu Zhen, Zhang Yufei and others spoke successively.

Everyone believes that my country's economy grew rapidly last year, new drivers of development and new advantages were accelerated, and positive changes occurred in many aspects. It was not easy to achieve results.

Everyone also put forward opinions and suggestions on solving current development problems and doing a good job in government work this year.

  After carefully listening to everyone's speeches, Li Qiang pointed out that in the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, all regions and departments have fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, forged ahead with determination and overcame difficulties, and my country's development Withstanding external pressure and overcoming internal difficulties, we have achieved new and major achievements in wave-like development and tortuous progress, and positive factors for high-quality development have continued to accumulate.

Although there will be various difficulties and challenges on the way forward, taken together, the favorable conditions facing my country's development are stronger than the unfavorable factors, and the basic trend of economic recovery and long-term improvement will not change.

We must not only face up to difficulties and challenges, but also strengthen our confidence in development, concentrate on running our own affairs, and push our country's development to new heights.

  Li Qiang emphasized that it is necessary to fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and do a solid job in all aspects of economic and social development this year.

To give better play to the role of macro-control, proactive fiscal policies must be appropriately intensified, improve quality and efficiency, and prudent monetary policies must be flexible, appropriate, precise and effective, enhance the consistency of macro policy orientations, and effectively consolidate and enhance the positive economic recovery.

We must persist in deepening reform and expanding opening up, stimulating the vitality of various business entities, accelerating the construction of a unified national market, continuing to create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment, and continuously enhancing the power and vitality of development.

It is necessary to closely integrate the expansion of domestic demand with benefiting people's livelihood, pay more attention to cultivating new economic growth points in meeting the multi-level and diversified people's livelihood needs, and better meet residents' needs in housing, education, medical care, culture, sports, tourism, etc. , and continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security.

  Li Qiang hopes that everyone will work hard based on their duties, and at the same time actively reflect the demands of the grassroots and all aspects, put forward more pragmatic suggestions, and gather wisdom and strength to promote high-quality development of our country.

  Wu Zhenglong attended the symposium.

  The "Government Work Report (Draft for Comments)" has simultaneously solicited opinions from all regions and departments.