Lapid criticized the performance of the Netanyahu government more than once since the aggression on the Gaza Strip (French)

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid attacked the Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu because of its refusal to stop the war on Gaza and negotiate the release of Israeli detainees held by the resistance.

Lapid said, in a speech before the Israeli Knesset, that “every day more soldiers are killed, and the hope for the return of the prisoners diminishes,” noting that Netanyahu and his government could have worked to release “the prisoners first, and then in a second stage contain” the Islamic Resistance Movement ( agitation).

He continued, "The recovery of the kidnapped people will take place through a bad and terrible deal, but we are forced to do it."

The Israeli opposition leader revealed that Minister in the War Council, Benny Gantz, and member of the War Council, Gadi Eisenkot, are floundering over the issue of withdrawal from the emergency government.

It is noteworthy that last Monday, Lapid called on Netanyahu to discuss setting a date for holding early elections, and suggested to him in a post - on the .

In light of the criticism that the opposition leader has been directing towards the course of the war on Gaza, Lapid said that Israel’s security “will not be achieved by killing Yahya Sinwar alone,” noting that “the reserve soldiers ask us about which country we are fighting,” indicating that there is no clear plan for the war and what it means. Then.

Referring to the killing of 24 officers and soldiers two days ago east of the Maghazi camp in Khan Yunis, he said, "This country has never been as sad as today."

He asked in a way that showed a lot of disdain for the government and its policies, "I don't know how we got to this situation."

Regarding what the Al-Aqsa flood battle left in the Israeli consciousness, Lapid concluded his speech by saying how Israel transformed from a “superpower” to a country surrounded by a “terrorist organization” that crosses the borders with four-wheel drive vehicles.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies