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Supporters of Joe Biden are campaigning in the US city of Nashua to put the US President's name on the Democratic ballot


Sue Dorfman/dpa

According to forecasts, US President Joe Biden has won the primary election for his party's presidential nomination in New Hampshire.

However, his success is more of a symbolic nature - because the delegate votes secured in the state will not be taken into account at the Democratic nomination convention in the summer.

Biden, who wants to run for a second term as president in November, was not on the ballot in the primary election on Monday evening.

Nevertheless, voters had the opportunity to enter his name.

Biden's supporters had campaigned for votes primarily for image reasons so as not to leave the president looking blank.

Internal dispute in the Democratic Party

The background is an internal dispute among the Democrats: the party leadership actually wanted to move the start of the primary election series to South Carolina - to a state with a more diverse electorate, in order to give the votes of black voters a larger stage.

The vote there doesn't take place until February 3rd.

New Hampshire didn't want to lose its status as the first primary election state and insisted on its early voting date.

Biden stuck to the party line and did not get on the ballot in New Hampshire.

Only largely unknown candidates who had no chance were listed there.

As the incumbent, Biden has no serious competition in the Democratic primaries.