
Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-22:10

A driver destroyed a yellow Ferrari this Tuesday morning after crashing into a tree at number 89 Paseo de la Castellana, between the Santiago Bernabéu stadium and Nuevos Ministerios in Madrid.

According to the Municipal Police, the driver tested positive for alcohol and will be investigated for a crime against road safety.

The event occurred at 3:00 a.m.

The person occupying the co-pilot seat was injured and treated by the Samur.

The sports car, valued at around 400,000 euros, was destroyed at the front.

It was necessary to cut three lanes in La Castellana to treat the victims and remove the vehicle.

Some people have joked on social media about the accident, saying that the "Formula 1 Grand Prix has already arrived in Madrid. Safety Car on the track."