If you want to understand a thousand-year-old city, you might as well go and see the ancient bridges and famous towers there!

Anping Bridge, Luoyang Bridge and Shunji Bridge used to connect travelers from all over the world, and now carry a thousand-year history.

Liusheng Pagoda and Wanshou Pagoda were once navigation beacons for ships, and now they are the unique "business cards" of the ancient city of Quanzhou.

Every brick and stone hides the ingenuity of time; every bridge and tower tells the story of the changes and prosperity of Quanzhou City.

  Follow a group of AI posters to see the story of time in Quanzhou↓↓↓

—Luoyang Bridge—

A large cross-sea stone bridge built under the official leadership of the Song Dynasty‍

Founded in 1053 and completed in 1059‍

It has been repaired through the ages and is well preserved to this day.

—Anping Bridge—

It was built with the participation of Quanzhou officials, religious figures, businessmen and civilians.

It was the longest sea-crossing stone bridge in the world at that time.

—Shunji Bridge Ruins—

It was built with the development of maritime trade.

The main thoroughfare into and out of the ancient city’s business district

Improved Quanzhou’s land and water transportation system

—Six Victories Tower—

Liusheng Pagoda, Quanzhou Bay outer harbor navigation mark

Mainly solves the problem of merchant ships passing through the main channels of large and small islands

Navigation requirements in and out of Quanzhou Port

At the same time, the construction of Liusheng Pagoda

It is the result of the joint participation of religious figures, businessmen, and civilians

It reflects the diverse social structure of Quanzhou during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

Contribution to maritime trade

—Wanshou Tower—

Also known as "Aunt's Tower"

It is a navigation mark outside Quanzhou Bay.

Mainly solves the problem of merchant ships passing through the main channel of the Taiwan Strait

Navigation requirements in and out of Quanzhou Port

Echoing the Liusheng Pagoda

It constitutes Quanzhou Port’s unique and complete ancient navigation system.