It was at the beginning of December that the teacher was accused of giving his students the task of planning a terrorist act and was immediately suspended by the school management.

According to the teacher, the task was about source criticism and that the task involved writing a letter of complaint about why the task was inappropriate.

- I have used the same task before and then it has not been misunderstood, says the teacher, to SVT Nyheter Jönköping.

Written warning

The teacher was suspended without pay and given a written warning - and was allowed to start working at the school again after the Christmas break.

Now the teacher has notified the school and the education administration.

In the report, the teacher states that the handling of the case has caused severe mental suffering and was "offensive and unprofessional", according to the Jönköpings-posten.

He also believes that the school management published incorrect information about his work and blackened his name publicly.

In mid-January, SVT Nyheter Jönköping met the teacher - hear him tell more in the video clip:

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In the clip, you hear the teacher who was suspended in December without pay talk about how he experienced the situation and how they were going back to work this week.

Photo: Jonas Tubbin/SVT