This was reported to TASS by the press service of the FSB Directorate for the Republic.

According to the intelligence service, a resident of Yekaterinburg, Nikita Menshov, born in 2004, decided to be sent to Ukrainian territory to participate in hostilities against the Russian army.

In March 2023, he arrived in Vladikavkaz to be sent to Ukraine, but was detained by FSB officers.

“The defendant was found guilty of committing the charged crime and sentenced to five years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony, with a fine of 100 thousand rubles and restriction of freedom for two years,” the statement notes.

It is clarified that the verdict against the state traitor has entered into legal force.

Earlier it became known that employees of the Russian Federal Security Service detained a woman in the LPR who was transmitting information about Russian military personnel to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.