Antoine Bourdon // Photo credit: Justine Bonnery / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 10:29 a.m., January 24, 2024

The movement of farmers' discontent continues in France.

Several road blockages are still reported, while farmers and breeders are now blocking a logistics platform of the Leclerc hypermarkets.

Everyone dreams of convincing Michel Edouard Leclerc to join their cause.

Highway blockades of farmers continue in France.

This Wednesday, the Bordeaux ring road was also blocked by several tractors, joining the long list of blocked roads.

But farmers do not intend to limit themselves only to roads. 

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Straw bales, slurry and dams: farmers amplify their movement

A symbol

In Castelnaudary, a logistics platform for Leclerc hypermarkets has been completely paralyzed by young farmers since Tuesday.

In front of the warehouse, around fifteen farmers have camped here in the cold.

Most didn't sleep around the fire.

For 24 hours, no goods have entered or left the site.

For Nicolas, a farmer in Aude, the objective is to alert the population to their difficulties. 

“The symbolic aspect, the symbol of blocking this platform, is to block the supply of supermarkets. And therefore, blocking human food to raise awareness that if we were no longer there, it would not there would be more to eat", underlines the farmer. 


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Michel-Edouard Leclerc to the rescue?

The choice of site owes nothing to chance.

Some hope that Michel-Edouard Leclerc can become a spokesperson for the State.

“We hope that Mr. Leclerc, by blocking his power plants, will try to go in the direction of the farmers and press where necessary to restore political pressure, so as to resolve the problems sustainably” , David hopes,

cereal grower in Aude. 

And if a meeting began this Wednesday morning with the site director, all the farmers assured that the blocking of the center would continue.