Netanyahu confirmed that the killing of soldiers made yesterday one of the most difficult days of the war (Reuters)

On Tuesday morning, Israeli officials expressed their pain following the announcement of the killing of 24 officers and soldiers in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, especially since 21 of them died in a resistance operation in the Maghazi camp in the center of the Strip, which was described as the harshest since the start of the ground invasion on October 27. First past.

More than one political and military official also spoke about the difficulty of the ongoing battles in the Gaza Strip.

In this regard, the most prominent statements were as follows:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

  • Yesterday we lived through one of the most difficult days since the outbreak of war, and the army began an investigation into the disaster.

  • We are doing our best to preserve the lives of our soldiers and will not stop fighting until absolute victory is achieved.

President Isaac Herzog:

  • It is a difficult morning to bear with the addition of the names of more of our soldiers to the list of the dead.

War Council member Benny Gantz:

  • A difficult morning for the entire people of Israel with the catastrophic killing of 21 soldiers.

  • We must unite and remember the heavy price we had to pay for this just war.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant:

  • A difficult and painful morning, and our hearts are with the families of the victims in their most difficult times.

  • This is a war that will determine Israel's future for decades to come, and our soldiers will die to achieve the goals of the war.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich:

  • Tragic news, and we pledge that the killing of our children in Gaza will not be in vain.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir:

  • A difficult and painful morning, heart broken and shattered.

Israeli Minister of Education Yoav Kisch:

  • I feel tremendous pain and cannot find words to express the great sadness I feel with the announcement of the terrible disaster that occurred yesterday

Energy Minister Eli Cohen:

  • A very difficult morning, and the killing of 21 soldiers in the Gaza Strip is a very heavy price.

    Israeli Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana:

  • A very difficult morning in which the people of Israel woke up to heartbreaking news

  • Every one of our dead in Gaza is a world full of families, hopes and dreams that were cut off prematurely

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid:

  • An unbearable difficult morning with the bitter news of the killing of 21 soldiers in Gaza.

Source: Al Jazeera