More and more companies are increasing their budget for user generated content, UGC, and cutting back on other marketing items.

According to accounting consultant Marlene Lehke, UGC has changed the market.

- Before it was the agencies that planned content, now the UGC creators do it for the agencies.

It also means that more people become interested in starting their own business and start working with this, she says.

The big difference between working as an influencer and a UGC creator is where the content is published.

With UGC, the creator does not have to publish the content in his own channels - but the material is published on the company's social media.

Poor control of the accounting

But with the fact that much is still new in the industry, accounting consultant Marlene Lehke believes that there is some confusion among the creators.

Among other things, about which rules apply and what must be reported.

- I think many creators have a bad idea of ​​what and how the income should be reported.

Several accounting consultants are also not aware of the latest rules.

That's because everything is so new and exploded a year ago.

In the clip, Marlene talks about the confusion and what she did to sort out the question marks.

UGC creator Stefania: "Absolutely in love with the industry"

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Do you know a little about the content?

Hear creator Stefania Scrieciu talk about the UGC boom.

Photo: TT/Private