Daniel Lozano

Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-00:19

This Tuesday, the United States supported the Venezuelan opposition following the international alert launched by its leader,

María Corina Machado,

following the persecution and arrests of members of her electoral team.

"Deeply concerned by recent actions against the opposition and civil society in Venezuela based on unfounded accusations. We continue to push for a more open political environment, competitive presidential elections and due process," reacted Undersecretary of State

Brian A. Nichols.

The US official added that the electoral roadmap undertaken with the Barbados Accords requires "a culture of tolerance and coexistence", as well as "equality of conditions."

None of them is fulfilled today in Venezuela, as Machado made clear with his statement hours before.

"This madness must be stopped, because that means Bolivarian fury.

Nicolás Maduro ordered the repression from the Miraflores Palace," revealed the democratic opposition candidate, who was indignant and very firm.

To know more


Opposition member María Corina Machado: "The people will force Maduro to surrender"


Opposition member María Corina Machado: "The people will force Maduro to surrender"


Maduro counterattacks and accuses the opposition of violating the Barbados agreement


Maduro counterattacks and accuses the opposition of violating the Barbados agreement

"They can't look the other way, they can't leave us alone," cried the electoral candidate after denouncing the arrest of two regional heads of her campaign command and the persecution of three others.

The leader of Vente Venezuela directly accused Maduro of

expressly violating the Barbados agreements,

signed between the government and the opposition, with the sponsorship of the United States.

"How do you run a campaign if they take away your kidnapped and disappeared people?" questioned María Corina, who also highlighted the graffiti that has appeared on her party headquarters and other opposition homes with threats and the legend "Furia Bolivariana", civic-military-police operation launched last week from the Miraflores Palace to

persecute and intimidate those who oppose him,

which has already claimed the freedom of teacher Víctor Venegas, head of the teachers' union in Barinas.

Juan Freites,

coordinator of Vente Venezuela in Vargas state, adjacent to Caracas, was illegally and arbitrarily detained by government forces.

A security camera recorded the moment when some people, dressed in civilian clothes and armed with guns, carried out what seemed like

the violent kidnapping of Freites.

Nor is anything known about

Luis Camacaro,

coordinator in Yaracuy, one of the plains states.

Douglas Rodríguez, head of the Bolívar command, on the Brazilian border, was snatched half-naked from the clutches of the agents by a large group of people, who pointed guns at the citizens.

On the revolutionary side, and from his pulpit,

Maduro delved into the conspiracy

with which he intends to justify the latest wave of repression.

"If one day the fascists hurt me, some attack, I leave it in your hands (referring to the people) to do what you have to do," the "son of Chávez" overflowed, despite the fact that the FB was already on the march. since last week.

Between the president and his prosecutor,

Tarek William Saab,

they have been in charge of spreading in recent days up to five alleged conspiracies against his life.

The CIA, the anti-drug agency DEA, opponents in Miami and Madrid, as well as union members and teachers would also have participated in the same plots, full of fantasy.

There are already 32 arrests and 17 arrest warrants issued.

"Persecuting into exile, imprisoning and even physically damaging the political and logistical base of the opposition leadership is a constant of the Chavista regime

. It happened with Capriles, with Guaidó and now with Machado.

Certainly, the more the autocracy closed, the harder it has been. been," summarized political scientist

Walter Molina Galdi.