As the serviceman explained in a video published by the Russian Ministry of Defense, he captured the Ukrainian Armed Forces military when a close shooting fight broke out between Russian soldiers and Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.

“I took a position on the left side of the road, ran to the basement, sat down and began to observe - the basement was closed.

Massive artillery shelling began, as a result of which I tried to open the door to the basement to take refuge there,” he noted.

According to Shamalyuk, Ukrainian soldiers responded to his cry from the basement, asking him not to shoot and saying that they had a wounded man.

“I took a position when they started to open the door, there were six Ukrainian servicemen there... I gave them the order to surrender their weapons, they began to throw out their weapons,” he said.

After this, Shamalyuk led six Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers outside.

He himself, who was wounded, was taken to the doctors.

The Russian soldier also thanked the platoon commander, who provided him with timely assistance: he came first, applied a tourniquet and personally took him to the nearest medical battalion.

Roman Kalinichenko, who previously surrendered and, thanks to this, survived, stated that the fields on the line of combat contact are strewn with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers.