Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-2:30 p.m.

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As fruit producers, the Canary Islands Banana sector has sought multiple ways to promote a balanced diet and help parents as much as possible to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

On this occasion, promoting a digital universe that brings together video games, metaverse and pedagogy with which to attract the attention of the little ones.

And to do this, also use the recommendation of those who are the object of admiration, as is the case of the Canarian soccer player.

The objective: connect with the little ones to make them internalize the advantages of incorporating fruit into their daily diet


If traditional methods are not enough, adapting to the language of minors can become a trump card.

Overweight and obesity in the child population is a problem that several studies point out.

The National Epidemiology Center (CNE) of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) and the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (Aesan) has concluded in a recent document that a third of children and adolescents in Spain have excess of weight.

The 2019 Aladdin report from the Observatory of Nutrition and the Study of Obesity states that

schoolchildren between 6 and 9 years old have a "prevalence of overweight of 23.3%" and of "obesity of 17.3%"


The PASOS 2022 Study, promoted by the Gasol Foundation, indicates that

one in three minors between 8 and 16 years old also suffer from it.

In this context,

daily fruit consumption is revealed as a great ally to break this trend

that places Spain at the top of Europe in prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults and children aged ten years or older consume at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables each day or five 80-gram servings.

Children, if they are two to five years old, must take at least 250 grams a day and, in the range of six to nine years, at least 350 grams. Aware of the need to do pedagogy on this matter, Plátano de Canarias decided promote this campaign co-financed with the help of the European Union to promote positive eating habits and a balanced lifestyle.

A bet that tries to change the way of communicating the message and adapt it to the codes of the youngest.

And if young people move comfortably in any environment, it is in the digital one.

'Pedri', a superhero to defeat the evil Insanus

The result is this audiovisual production that turns the Canary Islands footballer Pedro González,


, into an animated 'superhero'.

The FC Barcelona midfielder and Spanish national team player will face off once again with Insanus, the villain who symbolizes the unhealthy diet that destroys everything in its path.


, ambassador of Plátano de Canarias, highlights with his fight the power of the fruit

with the banana as its main weapon.

The banana is a source of potassium that contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles, according to the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (Aesan).

It is, without a doubt, an exceptional source of energy.

And, of course, a top-level partner to defeat the evil one in this challenge.

The decision to introduce Pedri into the world of video games seeks "for

children to see him in a different environment

that is close to their way of entertaining themselves," explains Sergio Cáceres, Marketing Director of Plátano de Canarias, "this will serve to reach them in a different way than we have done until now.

The person in charge also highlighted that " Pedri

's collaboration

in the development of his character has been total, which we appreciate because

his virtual avatar will give us many more opportunities for communication between the youngest people


This audiovisual production required more than six months of work.

Until reaching the final result, the process has gone through different phases.

A first that focused on the study of the physiognomy of the characters and the making of 2D sketches.

Next, the team went on to define the animation style of the campaign: it should not look too childish and they wanted to avoid a


aesthetic .

The aim was to reflect the real characteristics of the person in the digital world.


we proceeded to 3D model the characters and subsequently animate them to make them come to life.

To do this, Pedri

's characteristic gestures were studied


Finally, the character was integrated into the setting in which the adventure takes place.


was now ready to confront Insanus and stop his wave of destruction.

On Monday the 29th we will see if he can achieve it thanks to the power of the banana, the fruit, his friends and his courage.

Go for it!

Funded by the European Union.

The opinions and points of view expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Made by UE Studio

This text has been developed by UE Studio, a creative branded content and content marketing firm of Unidad Editorial, for LUCHA CONTRA INSANUS