China News Service, Shanghai, January 23 (Reporter Chen Jing) The second session of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress opened on the 23rd. Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng delivered a government work report and proposed the main expected goals for Shanghai's economic and social development this year: The city's GDP increased by about 5%, local general public budget revenue increased by 5%, the proportion of total social R&D expenditures equivalent to the city's GDP reached about 4.5%, the urban surveyed unemployment rate was within 5%, and the per capita disposable income of residents increased Keeping pace with economic growth, consumer prices increased by about 3%.

  Gong Zheng said that Shanghai will actively promote new industrialization this year; implement 150 tasks and measures for a new round of business environment reform; promote the stabilization and expansion of foreign investment, expand new areas of foreign investment, and attract high-level financial institutions and long-term capital to develop businesses in Shanghai Prosperity.

  This year, Shanghai will actively promote new industrialization, consolidate and increase the proportion of the industrial economy, promote high-quality development of key industrial chains, cultivate and upgrade high-end industrial clusters such as new energy vehicles, high-end equipment, advanced materials, civil aviation, and space information, and accelerate the creation of future industry leaders. District; promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry enabled by the industrial Internet, implement the "Smart Robot+" action, and take the lead in launching the national pilot program for the access and on-road access of intelligent connected vehicles.

  According to the government work report, Shanghai will focus on marketization, rule of law, and internationalization, and implement 150 tasks and measures for a new round of business environment reform; improve communication mechanisms such as four-party cooperation between government, conferences, banks, and enterprises, and enterprise roundtables, and improve key areas Enterprise "service package" system; thoroughly clean up the hidden thresholds and barriers that hinder the market-oriented allocation of factors, explore a number of innovative measures to connect with internationally accepted rules, and enhance the comprehensive advantages of the business environment.

  Gong Zheng pointed out that Shanghai will cultivate new momentum for foreign trade development this year, refine and implement policies to stabilize foreign trade, support enterprises to expand diversified international markets, promote high-quality development of special customs supervision areas, and improve international trade’s “single window” customs clearance, logistics, insurance and Payment and settlement functions, and vigorously develop new international trade such as offshore trade, cross-border e-commerce, and bonded maintenance.

Shanghai will promote the stabilization and expansion of foreign investment, expand new areas of foreign investment, improve the level of opening up of the manufacturing industry, deeply implement the comprehensive pilot program for expanding the opening of the national service industry, and continue to promote the foreign investment global partnership plan and the foreign investment R&D center improvement plan.

At the same time, Shanghai will optimize the legal environment for private economic development, further increase efforts to support the development of private investment, and increase the cultivation of specialized, specialized, and new small and medium-sized enterprises.

  Gong Zheng said that this year Shanghai will speed up the construction of the free trade pilot zone and the Lingang New Area, deepen the high-level opening up of cross-border service trade and investment, deepen the opening up of telecommunications, finance, medical and other fields, and optimize the operation model of the international transit and consolidation platform. Accelerate the implementation of management measures for cross-border data flows and accelerate the construction of an international data economy industrial park.

Shanghai will take the lead in implementing a number of post-border reform measures in areas such as intellectual property protection and government procurement.

  According to the government work report, Shanghai will strive to improve the financial institution system and attract high-level financial institutions and long-term capital to develop businesses in Shanghai; strive to improve the financial infrastructure system, deepen cross-border interconnection cooperation, and enhance the service functions of the RMB cross-border payment system; strive to improve Financial product system, strive to complete five major articles on technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance.

  This year, Shanghai will actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Accelerate the implementation of energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of coal-fired power plants, and build 10,000 new public charging piles for electric vehicles.

Implement 2 million square meters of ultra-low energy consumption building projects and eliminate 450 items of backward production capacity.

The report points out that this year, Shanghai will vigorously promote the construction of Chongming's world-class ecological island, implement special support policies, develop ecological economy, improve ecological quality, and strive to build Chongming Island, Changxing Island, and Hengsha Island into "zero-carbon islands" and "low-carbon islands". Island” and “Carbon Negative Island”.
