Senegal: indignation and anger among opponents excluded from the presidential election

Opponents excluded from the list of candidates validated by the Constitutional Council for the presidential election on February 25 continue to contest.

In simultaneous press conferences Monday afternoon, the camp of Karim Wade and Ousmane Sonko repeated their indignation.

Ousmane Sonko was definitively excluded from the presidential race by the Constitutional Court of Senegal, as was Karim Wade (illustrative image) © AFP

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With our correspondent in Dakar,

Théa Ollivier

During a very lively press conference at the headquarters of the Senegalese democratic party, the PDS, Karim Wade's camp was uncompromising: he demanded the reinstatement of their candidate on the list of presidential contenders, even if it meant hiring appeal to the ECOWAS Court of Justice.

Maguette Sy, Karim Wade's representative, believes that he was unfairly excluded from the presidential race since he had renounced his French nationality.

For 10 years, Karim Wade has faced constant political-judicial plots, unjustly imprisoned and forcibly exiled.

This new decision by the Constitutional Council constitutes an additional violation of his rights as a Senegalese citizen.

This is the second time that Karim Wade has been arbitrarily prevented from participating in a presidential election.


Read alsoSenegal: Karim Wade's camp in shock after his exclusion from the list of candidates

Anger was also present in the ranks of the allied leaders of candidate Ousmane Sonko, Lacos.

Birame Souley Diop, vice-president of the dissolved Pastef party, denounces the rejection of the candidacy of the opponent, who was one of the favorites in the next presidential election.


We demand a sacred union of all the opposition, of all those who have been excluded, the designation of an independent body to organize the elections, but most important, we must vote, Bassirou Diomaye Faye as a candidate, it is Ousmane Sonko who is a candidate


Despite the call for unity, leaders Cheikh Tidiane Dieye and Habib Sy who are part of Lacos are still included on the list of candidates for the presidential election.

Read alsoSenegal: the Constitutional Council validates 20 candidacies, rejects those of opponents Karim Wade and Ousmane Sonko


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