Isabel Pedrejon

Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-10:37

  • Weddings Samantha Fox, the exuberant star of the 80s, secretly marries her girlfriend Linda Olsen

For five decades, appearing on Page 3 of

The Sun

tabloid was a passport to immediate fame.

In that section, topless


of stunning young girls who longed to become models, singers, actresses

or simply famous for the mere fact of being famous were published,

delighting millions of Britons.

The feminist movement managed to get Page 3 canceled to restore dignity to women, but many of those protagonists still continue to praise that moment.

Among them, Samantha Fox (57), who appeared for the first time in 1983 at the age of 16.

She was immediately expelled from the Catholic school where she studied.

Such was her success that she was the first and only one to get an exclusive four-year contract with the newspaper to have as many photos taken as necessary.

In the 1980s she became such a sex symbol in Britain that she shared with Margaret Thatcher and Ladi Di

the honor of being one of the most photographed women of the decade.

He became a singer, sold more than 30 million records and was the champion of scandal and tragedies.

A few days ago,

due to his drunken state, he got into a fight with a passenger

on the British Airways flight that was covering the route between London and Munich, forcing the pilot to return to the airport of origin.

The flight was canceled for the next day.

This is not the only scandal that Samantha has been involved in.

The most recent dates back to 2015 when the drink caused another problem on a Wizz flight between the English city of Luton and Vilnius - capital of Lithuania - when she insulted the passengers and crew because she did not agree that they had made her pay

30 pounds for excess weight in your carry-on luggage.

At the beginning of her artistic career, during the promotion of her successful single

De ella Touch Me

(1986), she dared to appear on television with her jeans torn at the height of her butt, for which the BBC censored her performance. .

In 2017 she publicly confessed that in 1985 she had suffered sexual abuse by the musician and actor David Cassidy - the television series

The Partridge Family

was her greatest success - by her, who forced her to have sexual relations by force in a restaurant.

See this post on Instagram

At the peak of his fame, he was the protagonist of another major scandal when a boss of a Colombian cartel paid him $50,000 to sing

a couple of songs at his daughter's birthday in Colombia.

Her breasts were so famous that they were insured for a million pounds, but there were certain rules, like she couldn't sunbathe topless


Faced with such a source of income and having become a millionaire, her father began to spend enormous amounts of money on drink and cocaine because she acted as a manager, for which the artist sued her for embezzlement of funds.

They stopped speaking for a decade.

Her relationship with her father was not free of altercations since, as a young girl, she asked him for some money from what she had earned to buy a radio-cassette player for the car, but her father responded with violence.

"I thought he was going to kill me and I begged him to stop.

When I tried to get up, he kicked me so hard in the stomach that it left me breathless and I wouldn't stop," the artist confessed on several occasions.

Her sister Vanessa defended her on more than one occasion.

When she died last year at age 50 due to heart failure, Samantha almost lost her reason for living.

The same thing happened when his first wife Myra Stratton died of cancer in 2015 after twelve years of marriage.

In 2022 he remarried Linda Birgitte Olsen,

who has two children from her previous marriage.