Gauthier Delomez 4:06 p.m., January 23, 2024

An elected Republican appealed to mayors to refuse to welcome new migrants as the Olympics approach.

Pascal Praud and Ariane, listener of the program “Pascal Praud et vous”, every day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., seized this news to debate immigration.

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A few months before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, rural mayors are sounding the alarm in the face of what they call a “distribution” of migrants organized by the State.

The LR mayor of the commune of Lavaur in Tarn, Bernard Carayon, launched an appeal to this effect, criticizing an “irresponsible” or even “dangerous” migration policy.

This call relayed by

Le Figaro

made Ariane, listener of Europe 1, who debated with Pascal Praud in the show

Pascal Praud et vous


French people are fleeing the climate of their region of origin, according to a listener

This travel salesperson, residing in Brest, explains that in her city, she notices that more and more migrants are coming to settle to escape their climate.

"Even French people who we could call 'migrants', who come from the south of France, from Nord-Pas-de-Calais, even from Modane (in Savoie, editor's note)", she adds, which makes him say that “tomorrow, we can all be someone’s migrant”.

Based on these examples, and considering that everyone can become "a climate refugee", Ariane advocates welcoming migrants and goes against the elected Republican.

“We must help people to repopulate our cities. We saw in Brest, where there were no longer many people, that helped us enormously,” she relates, referring to immigration as “an asset” for Brittany.

Should we change our company model?

Pascal Praud questions the goodwill of residents, whatever the region.

"I'm proposing something to you, Ariane: we're going to hold local referendums, and I don't think people are going to say yes. The immigration problem in France is an important problem. I think we're no longer capable today. "Today, very often, to welcome migrants in the best conditions and that poses problems", responds the host to the listener.


- Immigration: 142,500 asylum requests in France in 2023, a record

An observation shared by Ariane, who explains it by the model of capitalist society adopted in France.

“Our format of consumerist society can no longer meet this demand (...) We will be forced at one point to change the format of society (...). It can no longer meet the needs of the planet,” advances the listener.

If for Pascal Praud, the capitalist model "has plenty of flaws", the latter "allows you to speak out (on Europe 1), to be free, and overall to have a standard of living higher than those of others models", he responds to Ariane, believing that the response to the climate crisis does not necessarily require a change in society.

“I believe in Man, and Man always believes, he will always find solutions. He will find solutions on the climate.”