Group discussions were held at the second session of the 13th Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and members discussed the construction of the Greater Bay Area and other topics

  Accelerate the “soft connectivity” of rules and mechanisms in the Greater Bay Area

  On the afternoon of January 22, the second session of the 13th Provincial CPPCC held a group discussion to review the work report and proposal work report of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPPCC.

The committee members focused on the content of the report and combined their own fields to express their opinions and suggestions on in-depth promotion of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, dominance of the manufacturing industry, the "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and thousands of villages", and the improvement of people's livelihood.

Everyone expressed that they should be more active and conscientious in performing their duties, assist the Provincial CPPCC in deliberation, democratic supervision, promote unity, and boost confidence, and better play the role of specialized consultation bodies, so as to contribute to Guangdong’s advancement of Chinese-style modernization. China will be at the forefront and make greater contributions.

  Focus 1: Construction of the Greater Bay Area

  It is recommended to open tax incentives

  and cross-city application for subsidies

  The work report of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference mentioned that it is necessary to speed up the "soft connectivity" of the rules and mechanisms of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and give play to the "dual positive role" of Hong Kong and Macao members.

How to better speed up the integration of the flow of people, logistics, capital and other connectivity to support the construction and development of the Greater Bay Area?

  Lu Donghai, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Hong Kong Maoming Association, said that more and more Hong Kong citizens are using "Hong Kong trains to go north" to achieve "two-way travel" between Hong Kong and the mainland.

He suggested that in the future, various policies should be implemented to support the "Hong Kong trains going northward" and mutual recognition standards should be established.

  "The demand for customs clearance of personnel is becoming increasingly urgent, and the scope of applicable personnel and vehicles in Futian Free Trade Zone's 'No. The number of scientific research institutions is gradually increasing. There are more Hong Kong management and scientific researchers in the Shenzhen Park. They have strong daily travel needs between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It is recommended to expand the scope of the "No. 1 Channel" in the Futian Free Trade Zone.

  Peng Fuqiang, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and managing partner of KPMG China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Strategy and Development Center, has been paying attention to the topic of how to promote the flow of talents.

He said that currently the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta have introduced preferential tax policies for overseas high-end talents and in-demand talents working in the Greater Bay Area.

In order to better promote the flow of talents, Peng Fuqiang suggested that cross-city applications for tax incentives and subsidies can be opened, and the "high-end" and "shortage" lists can be expanded from each city's own needs to the talent needs of the entire Greater Bay Area.

  Li Juren, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and general manager of Macau Shengfeng Group, said that Macau can play an important role in the construction of the Greater Bay Area in terms of tourism, culture, commerce and trade integration and technological innovation cooperation, especially in the digital economy and smart cities. “In the future, we can strengthen the Cooperate in the industrial chain of the manufacturing and service industries in the Bay Area, develop the financial services industry, especially the cross-border financial services industry, and strengthen cooperation in education and talent training to jointly promote the diversification and overall development of the regional economy."

  Focus 2: High-quality development

  Promote digital transformation of traditional enterprises

  High-quality development is the fundamental way for Guangdong to achieve modernization.

Focusing on this topic, committee members spoke freely and contributed "golden ideas".

  "This is the "2023 Guangdong Province Summary", which contains the progress of the manufacturing industry. Guangdong ranks first in the country in many indicators, which also shows that Guangdong's manufacturing industry is strong." Member of the Provincial CPPCC, Guangdong Construction Engineering Group Holdings Ma Chunsheng, general manager of the company, took out a booklet and shared it with the on-site committee members.

  "As a construction group that serves the manufacturing industry, the key is to integrate traditional low-end construction and machinery manufacturing companies, transform and upgrade in the direction of digitalization and informatization, and create economies of scale," he said.

  In 2024, the Provincial Political Consultative Conference will hold a "Guangdong Businessmen·Provincial Governor Face-to-Face" consultation symposium on the topic of "expanding new tracks and new industries in artificial intelligence".

This makes Du Lan, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the Guangdong Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, full of expectations.

At this meeting, the proposal she brought focused on the topic of new artificial intelligence tracks.

  "It is necessary to promote the large-scale model-empowered robot industry, increase special scientific research support for intelligent robots, build a robot industry ecosystem with a higher level of intelligence and meet future needs, and at the same time encourage application entrepreneurship in the field of artificial intelligence to create a number of industry benchmarks." Duran suggested.

  The "Hundreds and Thousands Project" is Guangdong's "number one project" to promote high-quality development.

Huang Xiaobiao, a member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and deputy chairman of the Zhigong Party Provincial Committee, suggested that the endogenous power of the county should be fully stimulated to lead the vigorous development of the industry.

"It is recommended to fully activate the resource elements of county economic development, further focus on the transformation of 'hollow villages', and increase the capacity and efficiency of inefficient industrial plants and parks to maximize the utilization of existing land resources."

  Focus 3: Create a better life

  Promote the integrated development of urban and rural education

  Education is a hot topic in people’s livelihood.

In the past year, the Provincial CPPCC has helped provide education that satisfies the people by conducting special surveys.

At the meeting, the committee members also offered their suggestions and suggestions.

  The successful operation of the "three schools" of township central kindergarten, central primary school and public boarding school is closely related to the happiness of the people.

Liang Junrong, member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and principal of Yangjiang No. 1 Middle School, believes that it is necessary to increase resource investment in the "three schools", fill in the shortcomings, narrow the development gap between regions and inter-school education, and use the trusteeship assistance in counties and towns , optimize township school management and other models, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural education.

  The issues of daycare and preschool education also attracted the attention of committee members.

Ma Xusheng, a member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Vocational College of Foreign Languages ​​and Arts, suggested that the Guangdong Provincial Regulations on Preschool Education and Childcare Services be introduced to coordinate the development of preschool education and childcare services, promote the development process of "integration of childcare and childcare", and adhere to the principle of integration Planning, integrated implementation, and integrated guarantee.

In addition, further attention should be paid to the cultivation of preschool education teachers and preschool education professionals, especially the cultivation of undergraduate-level talents in preschool education.

  A good ecological environment is conducive to improving people's livelihood and well-being.

"To make the results of ecological construction in Green Beauty Guangdong benefit the people to the greatest extent, the forests and mountains must not only pay attention to their appearance, but also their economic value." Wu Zhenxian, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy dean of the School of Horticulture at South China Agricultural University, said that Guangdong's zonal forests are just right It is a treasure house, with many tree species of high economic value such as lychee and longan. As an agricultural scientist and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the agricultural sector, he will devote himself to cultivating pillar industries, supporting county economic development, and assisting the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" and the ecological construction of Green Beauty Guangdong.

  Focus 4: Whole-process people’s democracy

  Expand the depth and breadth of CPPCC consultations

  Deeply practice the whole process of people's democracy and give full play to the effectiveness of the specialized consultative body system. The work report of the Provincial CPPCC Standing Committee proposed that the construction of consultative democracy in the CPPCC will continue to be strengthened.

  Chen Lingli, a member of the Provincial CPPCC and deputy mayor of Meizhou City, suggested that the CPPCC should work hard on the "full chain" of building the platform, the "all-round" consultation field, and the "full coverage" of participating entities, focusing on the key points of the work of the party committee and government , hot spots of public concern, and difficulties in social governance, we should better conduct in-depth exploration of front-line practices, get closer to the people, gather wisdom from the public, and seek good advice, so as to provide reliable reference and public opinion basis for scientific and democratic decision-making by the party committee and government.

  How to expand the depth and breadth of CPPCC consultations?

Wang Hui, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Legal Policy Research Office of the Guangdong Procuratorate, suggested that members should be encouraged and supported to perform their duties across special committees and sectors, improve the quality of their advice and support through professional complementarity, and promote joint surveys of the provincial CPPCC system , linkage negotiation.

"At the same time, it is also necessary to improve the working mechanism of committee members to contact people from various sectors, and further improve the timeliness and transformation quality of collecting and reflecting social conditions and public opinion."

  "The committee members' studio (station) can bring together the insights of CPPCC members from various fields and jointly put forward suggestions to the party committee and government through proposals based on the voices of the people." Cao Zhiwei, a member of the Provincial CPPCC and Vice Chairman of the Provincial New Class Federation, suggested that relevant issues should be promoted and improved. Measures for the construction, operation, management, assessment and organizational guarantee of committee members' studios, strengthen funding guarantees, clarify the supervisory units of committee members' studios, sort out the registration process and application materials for committee members' studios, etc., in order to strengthen the construction of committee members' studios and provide Guangdong's high-quality development builds consensus and gathers strength.

  Nanfang Daily reporter Bian Delong Cao Ainai Bin Hongxia Du Weigan Huang Taowei Huang Jinhui Shao Yihong Wang Xiangbo Ye Qihan Yang Qiong Hong Yumin