The background is that last year Älmhult municipality received criticism from Ivo, the Health and Care Inspectorate, for the staff's lack of language skills.

It made Elin Eliasson want to do something.

During the course, participants learn important words to be able to care for patients in a safe way, but also how the words are used to avoid hurting or offending someone.

- Old is a word we avoid and use the word elderly instead when we talk about our users in elderly care.

It is knowledge that people who work in healthcare need to know, says Elin Eliasson.

Free course

On each occasion between 6-7 people show up and the course is free, in collaboration with the Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan in Älmhult.

Hear course participant Naba Yasmeen tell about how she benefited from the course in the clip.