According to RIA Novosti, during a stream with blogger Pavel Ivanov, Matveev suggested that after the end of the special military operation, clashes would occur with migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Later, deputy Matveev apologized for his statement, noting that he was not ashamed to do so if “one of his Russian Muslim colleagues took it personally.”

Kadyrov noted in his Telegram channel that “the most dangerous enemy” is the one who “splits the ranks of true patriots” and tries to divide them by faith or nationality.

“In any case, the provocative speech of Mikhail Matveev, a State Duma deputy, distributed on social networks, should be assessed by the competent authorities,” said the head of Chechnya.

He also noted that convinced Muslims fought the fanatics mentioned by the deputy in Chechnya and put an end to them once and for all, destroying the last underground militant cell three years ago.

“It’s better to kick out Matveev alone, and there will be much fewer provocations,” Kadyrov said.

Earlier, Kadyrov announced the dispatch of a new special aircraft with volunteers to the zone of a special military operation.