//Photo credits: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 1:01 p.m., January 23, 2024

The new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal only sleeps four hours a night and can sometimes go without sleep for entire nights.

However, what may be perceived as an extraordinary capacity, sleep deprivation is dangerous for your health.

Did Macronia argue with Morpheus?

According to an article in Le


, the new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal "can go through several nights without sleep, even if it means sleeping several hours in a row on weekends."

He sleeps “no more than four hours a night,” adds

The Parisian.

Deleterious effects on health 

This is not the first time that a member of the presidential majority has detailed his ability to deprive himself of sleep.

Already in 2020,


 indicated that Emmanuel Macron only sleeps three hours a night.

However, lack of sleep is particularly harmful to health.

According to a 2010 American study, nights of less than six hours increase the risk of type II diabetes by 28%, reports the Foundation for Medical Research.

The Foundation for Medical Research lists the disease risks linked to chronic lack of sleep: hypertension, stroke, heart attack.

“Moreover, since sleep plays a role in the proper functioning of our immune system, nights that are too short also increase the risk of infection and certain cancers,” adds the Foundation for Medical Research.


Gabriel Attal would sleep “no more than 4 hours per night” and would be capable of “several sleepless nights”.

Is it possible ?

In addition to health problems, sleep deficiencies affect our behavior and can cause mood disorders, reduced attention and lack of alertness.

In the most serious cases, lack of sleep can cause depressive syndrome. 

Gabriel Attal and Emmanuel Macron are not the only ones to be sleep deficient.

According to a study carried out by Public Health France in 2017, published in 2019, “more than a third of French people sleep less than six hours” per night.

Current medical recommendations recommend seven to eight hours of sleep per night, reports the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) in October 2022.