The extent of the destruction and the blood of thousands of martyrs in the Gaza Strip were absent from the Israeli media, and only the army’s operations and successes were shown (Shutterstock)

The war of extermination in the Gaza Strip hardly reaches the Israeli public, not only because Israel closed the doors of the Gaza Strip to the media and used the sword of military censorship, but also because the overwhelming majority of Israeli journalists closed the door to criticism as well, and chose to side with the political and military levels in the battle. “We win together” over Gaza and over the truth!

Israel no longer needs to activate the sword of military censorship, nor even to stimulate the urge to self-censor within journalists.

From Channel 12 journalist Danny Koshmeru, who appeared in the studio carrying a gun, to Channel 14 anchor Lital Shemesh, who was wearing a gun while presenting the news;

Israeli journalists have turned into rifles fighting with the army, and the furthest they can get from the truth is by landing as honored guests on the back of a tank roaming the Gaza Strip, and regurgitating what the propaganda machine repeats, as an Israeli commentator put it.

Israeli Channel 12 broadcaster Danny Koshmaru volunteered to be a weapon in the war on the Gaza Strip

"Excuse us!"

Therefore, it is not a coincidence that these people did not fall in the war, because they were outside the battle in the first place, and if they were inside it, they would not be targeted by Israeli weapons.

For them, a sentence said is enough to lift the blame and justify the amount of lies flowing, as Yonit Levy of Channel 12 did when she addressed her audience, saying, “This is the appropriate place to tell our viewers, male and female, that we are in an unprecedented situation. The State of Israel has never been afflicted by an event of these dimensions (…) so we say "Here, we also have not known an event of such dimensions. We apologize in advance if something does not meet your standards."

Therefore, an Israeli journalist found no embarrassment as he shouted amidst the destruction, joyfully and in a state of hysteria: “Gaza has disappeared!”

It was not difficult for another colleague to join an Israeli force, as he addressed his viewers excitedly: “We are now preparing a bombing operation, guys!”

Many of those affiliated with the media industry in Israel decided to join the propaganda battle in the name of defending “the state.” “Talk about objectivity has become meaningless,” as a content creator and director of a media services company named Naam Shalo put it in an interview with Haaretz. “I I tell customers every day: If something like this had happened in your country, your response would not have been less strong.”

Journalist Lital Shemesh, presenter for the Israeli Channel 14, is armed on the air (social networking sites)

Netanyahu's battle

A number of them chose not only to side with the army, but also with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, even when they know that the matter is not only an existential battle facing the entity, but rather a fateful battle facing the prime minister in his quest to prolong the war in order to prolong escaping legal prosecution.

It was not in vain that in the first week of the war, in an unusual step, Netanyahu appointed a liaison between his office and Israeli military correspondents.

He chose Eli Feldstein, former spokesman for Internal Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, despite the existence of the position of army spokesman, while it is customary for the media to be in contact with the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff, not with the Prime Minister.

The rare media outlets that tweet - only a little - outside the crowd are subjected to threats, by withholding advertisements from them, for example, as is the case with Haaretz, despite the fact that the newspaper is generally lined up in the trenches of the “We Win Together” battle, and what is published in it in terms of criticism is left to opinion articles, as Commentators like Gideon Levy write.

Sterile images

It goes without saying that the extent of the destruction in Gaza is completely absent from the screens and pages of Israeli newspapers, where only the army’s operations and their alleged successes, always sanitized by the blood of innocents, appear.

There are no pictures of the horrific destruction, nor of the bodies thrown in the streets being eaten by birds, nor of the hospitals that have been turned into graves.

On the other hand, dozens of Palestinian journalists chose to convey to the world part of what was happening in a battle that could be called “Together we win for the truth,” and their equipment was covered with a thick layer of dust from the destruction, none of which touched the Israeli reporters’ cameras, which maintained their purity because they were out of service in the first place.

These Palestinian journalists paid with their lives, and Israeli journalists should have bowed their heads in respect because they decided to keep “the coverage going,” even as they reported from the same pit of hell, in the words of journalist and writer Orly Now, and yet “these and these share the same profession.” ", nominally at least.

Source: Al Jazeera