France: Amazon fined 32 million euros by the CNIL

In France, the Amazon company was condemned by the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL).

More precisely its logistics branch.

The world number one in online sales will have to pay 32 million euros for monitoring its employees.

The CNIL believes that Amazon did use a system to monitor employee performance activity in an excessive and intrusive manner.

Amazon logistics center in Europe (illustrative image).


By: RFI Follow


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Concretely, in Amazon warehouses across the country, devices, in the form of scanners, record what employees do.

Scanners that are set to detect idle times of more than ten minutes.

But not only that: these boxes also notice when packages are not processed quickly enough, namely more than a second and a half per package.

Continuous pressure

Result: the company asked the employees concerned to justify these breaks but also this time considered too long to take care of a package.

Injunctions singled out and pinned down by the French privacy watchdog, who believes that this places continued pressure on employees.

Deep disagreement from Amazon

Amazon says it strongly disagrees with the conclusions of this CNIL report and this conviction; the online commerce giant reserves the right to appeal.

He has two months to do so.

Read alsoGermany: Amazon employees on strike for better working conditions


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