Arthur de Laborde 7:49 a.m., January 23, 2024

As the movement of anger among farmers grows, pressure increases for Macronie and its MEPs, most of whom have spoken out in favor of toughening environmental standards denounced by farmers.

During his meeting with the FNSEA and the Young Farmers this Monday in Matignon, Gabriel Attal promised rapid answers.

Five months before the European elections, this mobilization of farmers is falling on the shoulders of the Prime Minister.

A regulatory break

At the heart of the farmers' discontent lies above all Europe and boring environmental standards.

This anger against Brussels poses a political problem for Macronie.

While they claim to support the fight against global warming, farmers express fed up with green standards for which they spend too much time filling out forms. 


“I saturate”: these farmers crushed by the heaviness of agricultural standards

Relaxed uses of pesticides, irrigation restrictions or even compulsory fallow... all European regulations considered too restrictive.

Emmanuel Macron himself seems to be convinced of this.

Last May, he spoke of the need for a regulatory break in the name of competitiveness.

Support from Macronie in Brussels

A simplification process is now promised in November by the government.

The paradox being that these environmental constraints were largely supported by France in Brussels and voted for by Macronist MEPs.


Farmers' discontent: the A62 motorway and the station blocked in Agen

A line taken by several heavyweights in the presidential camp who underline the need to reconcile the needs of the agricultural sector under pressure and the ecological transition.

But faced with anger, five months before the European elections, everyone is hoping for significant concessions from the government.