Cathay Pacific's first batch of mainland flight attendants begin duty

  Hong Kong, January 22 (Reporter Chen Ran) In order to cooperate with the reconstruction of transportation capacity, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited has launched a mainland talent recruitment plan. The first batch of more than 100 mainland flight attendants hired have gradually completed training and began to perform duties.

Recently, four of the mainland flight attendant representatives made their debut, sharing with the media their stories of coming to Hong Kong to pursue their "flight dreams" and demonstrating the results of cabin services and safety training.

  Four flight attendants from Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Xi'an met with the media. They started their professional flying careers in January, using Hong Kong as their work base, and their service routes cover mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and Europe.

  Ms. Su, a mainland flight attendant, is from Guangzhou and is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

She said that she chose to join Cathay Pacific because the company attaches great importance to multicultural integration. "I look forward to working with colleagues from different backgrounds and hope to turn this job into a lifelong career."

  Cathay Pacific Services Director Kitty Ng praised the first batch of mainland flight attendants for their excellent performance in training and believed they can provide passengers with considerate and meticulous in-flight services.

She said that with the addition of mainland flight attendants, Cathay Pacific will continue to improve service quality, gradually restore capacity, and at the same time create international job opportunities for the vast number of mainland youth with aspirations.

Cathay Pacific is expected to employ more than 1,500 mainland flight attendants by 2025, by which time the mainland will become Cathay Pacific's second largest source of flight attendants after Hong Kong.

(People's Daily Overseas Edition)