- It is of course good that the Turkish parliament voted this through.

Now we will wait for President Erdogan to take and sign the instrument of ratification and send it on, says Foreign Minister Tobias Billström to SVT.

For Turkey, a final signature by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan now remains.

- It should happen as soon as possible.

There is no reason to wait when Parliament has finished its part.

The NATO process continues

But the Swedish NATO process is not finished yet, points out Billström.

- Now we have good hopes that what happened tonight will lead to the Turkish papers being able to pass, then the Hungarian ones remain.

Orbán invites to Hungary

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent a letter to Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on Tuesday inviting him to visit Hungary.

Orbán wants to "exchange views on all our common interests".

- We have received the letter from Prime Minister Orbán's office and will fully analyze this and return with an answer.