
Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-13:34

The president of the Generalitat,

Pere Aragonès

, has reinforced the composition of the Government to try to exhaust the legislature and call elections in February 2025.

The head of the Catalan Executive has promoted the current advisor to the Presidency,

Laura Vilagrà , to vice president of the Government and has appointed the


's until now director of communications


Sergi Sabrià

, as vice advisor for Strategy .

In practice, the two promoted will continue developing their current roles in the Cabinet, but they gain political weight to face the last year of the mandate.

Vilagrà will be in charge of negotiating bilaterally with the Government the progress related to self-determination, with the aim of bringing together positions regarding the holding of an agreed independence referendum and the granting of "unique financing" for Catalonia.

While Sabrià will design the story of a Government that is suffering severe wear and tear due to the management of crises such as the drought or the loss of educational quality of the system, and that has lost prominence after the conversion of Junts into the first interlocutor of the central Government .

Aragonès makes these changes to his Executive only three days after being ratified by ERC as a candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat.

The Republicans have had to react to the growing rumors that placed

Oriol Junqueras

at the head of the list and condemned the current president of the Generalitat to an electoral advance.

Since his designation as presidential candidate, Aragonès has multiplied his media exposure to try to reverse the downward trend of his formation, in which there is already a well-founded fear of losing the Generalitat.