Alexis Bourdon (near Agen), edited by Laura Laplaud / Photo credits: LUC AUFFRET / ANADOLU / ANADOLU VIA AFP 10:01 a.m., January 23, 2024

The meeting between Gabriel Attal and the majority unions in the agricultural world Monday evening in Matignon did not convince those concerned.

Farmers do not feel heard and are still waiting for answers to their demands.

Europe 1 went to the blocked A62 motorway near Agen.

For several days, they have been demanding measures ranging from administrative simplification to faster compensation in the event of calamities.

Farmers have been blocking certain motorways in France for several days: the A64 between Toulouse and Bayonne has been cut off to traffic at Carbonne since Thursday, the A62 has been blocked at Agen in both directions since Monday, around twenty Farmers' tractors block traffic in both directions near Albon on the A7 motorway this Tuesday.

Monday evening, the government welcomed the majority unions for a little over two hours, without announcement at the exit.

There will be "no lifting of the actions" carried out by farmers as long as there are "no concrete decisions" from the executive, declared Monday the president of the FNSEA Arnaud Rousseau at the end of this encounter.

And the least we can say is that this meeting has not convinced the agricultural world, they do not feel heard.


- LIVE - Mobilization of farmers: a deceased farmer, her husband and her daughter seriously injured at a road block

“We want answers!”

On the A62 motorway, near interchange number 7, the first tractors set up, the trailers calmly get in the way.

Their objective: to imitate their colleagues on the A64.

At the camp, the coffee machines are running at full speed and the beds to hold the seat are being organized.

At the end of the meeting in Matignon, between Gabriel Attal and certain agricultural unions, the tension does not subside for José Perez, co-president of the Lot-et-Garonne rural coordination.

“There is no announcement that has been made. They are asking for the minister to come, we don’t care about the minister, at some point, we want answers!”

he gets carried away at the microphone of Europe 1.

“They are annoying all the peasants”

"The zero-rating of GNR should no longer even be a subject. The GNR must continue to be zero-rated as it is. The minister can stay in Paris but send us answers. They are in annoying all the peasants. If they want a revolt, they will find it,” he continues.


- “I saturate”: these farmers crushed by the heaviness of agricultural standards

In the evening, Agen station was targeted by farmers, causing traffic to stop.

Proof of their anger, other actions will be carried out at the end of the morning.

Waste will be dumped in particular in front of banks and administrative buildings.