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US warship in action off the coast of Yemen on January 11th

Photo: Us Central Command / UPI Photo / IMAGO

The USA and Great Britain have once again jointly attacked Houthi targets in Yemen.

The armed forces of both countries were supported by Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

In addition to the capital Sanaa, other above- and underground targets of the Houthi militia were attacked.

The EU states have previously reached a political agreement in principle to launch a military operation to secure merchant shipping in the Red Sea.

EU Foreign Affairs Representative Josep Borrell announced this on Monday evening after a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels.

According to diplomats, the operation should ideally start next month and end the attacks by the Houthis from Yemen.

According to current plans, the EU operation will involve sending European warships and airborne early warning systems to the region to protect cargo ships.

However, participation in the US attacks against Houthi positions in Yemen is not planned.

More soon at SPIEGEL.de
