Vicente Coll Madrid


Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-20:08

  • Politics The paradox of the 'new Vox': it entrusts itself to the success of its barons while maintaining the discourse against the CCAA

  • 18-F Vox faces its two 'cursed' territories without reinforcements: no expectations, no weight in the direction

Once its candidate,

Álvaro Díaz-Mella

, has been made official and presented, Vox goes on the counterattack and changes its electoral strategy in Galicia.

Santiago Abascal

's party

now defends being the true "useful vote" on February 18, since the emergence of Vox in the Galician Parliament would be at the expense of seats on the left and nationalism, and would not affect the result of the Popular Party .

Vox seeks to counteract the continuous allusions with which the

popular party

has sought to wear down the formation to its right in recent days.

Both Génova and the Galician PP assume that Vox will continue without achieving representation in this region, which is why they call on the electorate not to waste their vote and warn that betting on a party that does not obtain a seat could end up benefiting the left and nationalism. .

But in Vox they defend precisely the opposite.

The polls managed by the party leadership show a dispute between the BNG and Vox at the moment for the last seat in the two Galician provinces with the largest population: La Coruña and Pontevedra.

For this reason, those of Abascal claim the vote as the force that truly stops the momentum and power with which nationalism has reached the doors of the campaign.

"All Vox seats are at stake against the BNG," summarized yesterday the general secretary of Vox,

Ignacio Garriga

, to highlight that his party has a "very good chance" of entering the regional Parliament, for which he criticized the "undemocratic" attitude. of the PP by insinuating that they will be left out.