Voting begins on the night of the 23rd, Japan time, in the eastern New Hampshire primary election, the second round of opposition and Republican candidate selection for the fall US presidential election.

The focus is on whether former United Nations Ambassador Haley, who is running against former President Trump, can show momentum here and stay in the election campaign.

Voting for the New Hampshire primary election, the second round of Republican candidate selection for the US presidential election in November, will begin on the morning of the 23rd at 8pm Japan time, with some exceptions.

With former President Trump gaining the upper hand in the election campaign with the backing of his fervent supporters, also known as his "rock base," Governor DeSantis of Florida, who was in third place in a national opinion poll, announced on the 21st. Trump and former United Nations Ambassador Haley have already announced their withdrawal.

According to the political information site "Real Clear Politics," the average poll conducted in New Hampshire as of the 21st of this month shows that Trump has a 52.5% lead, followed by Haley at 37.5%. It has become.

Trump won his first race in Iowa by a large margin over other candidates.

Some believe that unless Haley wins here or achieves results that are close to Trump's, it will be difficult for her to continue her campaign, and that Trump will effectively be guaranteed the party's nomination.

For this reason, the focus is on whether Ms. Haley can show momentum here and stay in the election campaign.

The New Hampshire primary election is scheduled to close on the morning of the 24th, Japan time, and vote counting will begin.

Who is Mr. Haley?

Nikki Haley is 52 years old from the southern state of South Carolina.

A second-generation immigrant from India, she served as a member of the state legislature before winning the 2010 gubernatorial election of South Carolina, becoming the first female governor in the conservative state.

She then served as ambassador to the United Nations under the Trump administration for nearly two years starting in 2017, where she strongly advocated an America First stance on behalf of then-President Trump.

While many cabinet members and senior officials have left the administration after clashing with Trump or being dismissed, he is said to be one of the few people who maintained a good relationship with Trump even when he left his post as ambassador to the United Nations.

In 2016, she was also selected as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" by the American magazine "Time".

A leading American newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, conducted a poll of voters across the United States from the end of November to the beginning of December last year, and found that ``If the presidential election in November were held today, Haley would be the Republican candidate.'' When asked, "If the Democratic Party were President Biden, who would you vote for?" 51% of respondents answered, 17 points higher than President Biden's 34%.

According to the poll, when asked, ``If the presidential election in November were held today, and the Republican candidate was Trump and the Democratic candidate was President Biden, who would you vote for?'' 47% answered Trump. , President Biden had 43%, a difference of 4 points.

Opinion poll support rate

According to a summary by the political information site "Real Clear Politics," the average of various public opinion polls as of the 19th of this month shows that 66.1% of people support former President Trump when choosing the opposition party/Republican candidate. Former U.N. Ambassador Haley scored 11.5%, giving Trump a nearly 55-point lead over her.

After the Iowa caucuses held on the 15th of this month, Governor DeSantis of Florida, who had been in third place in a national poll following entrepreneur Ramaswamy, withdrew, and both parties supported Trump. He announced that he would continue to do so.

On the other hand, in New Hampshire, as of the 21st of this month, the approval rating for Mr. Trump was 52.5%, and for Ms. Haley 37.5%, a difference of 15 points, and this primary election All eyes are on whether Ms. Haley will be able to catch up with Mr. Trump.

What is New Hampshire Republican Primary?

The eastern state of New Hampshire borders Canada and has a population of approximately 1.4 million, of which 90% are white.

This time, the total number of delegates for the Republican candidate selection is 2,429, and the majority required to win the presidential nomination is 1,215.

Of these, New Hampshire has 22 delegates.

This is the second election for the opposition/Republican party's candidates, following the first caucus in Iowa, and is a big turning point in the early stages for candidates who have fallen behind in the first round to try to make a comeback, so it attracts a lot of media attention. It is extremely high.

In New Hampshire, of the candidates who won the 10 Republican primary elections from 1984 to 2020, a total of eight candidates won the nomination as the Republican presidential candidate.

In 2016, Mr. Trump lost to Mr. Ted Cruz in the Iowa caucuses, but gained momentum by winning New Hampshire, won the nomination of the Republican presidential candidate, and dominated the presidential election. Did.