China News Service, Beijing, January 22 (Reporter Liang Xiaohui) Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin hosted a regular press conference on January 22.

  A reporter asked: Two committees of the U.S. Congress sent a letter to the Swiss technology company ABB on the grounds of "security threats and risks," asking it to explain its business dealings with Chinese state-owned enterprises while cooperating with U.S. government agencies, and mentioned ABB's American Seaports applies software and technology used on Shanghai ZPMC’s container cranes.

What is China’s response to this?

  Wang Wenbin: It seems that the persecution paranoia of relevant American politicians is getting more and more serious.

I would like to ask these American politicians why they blindly accuse relevant Chinese companies of threatening U.S. national security without any evidence?

Why do U.S. national security threats always target China’s leading companies in various industries?

Why does the US coerce other countries to ban relevant Chinese companies when they clearly do not feel that Chinese products pose a threat?

  From accusations that Chinese information technology equipment has backdoors, to claims that Chinese-produced cranes are "Trojan horses" for gathering intelligence, to exaggerating that Chinese-produced electric vehicle batteries threaten national security.

The "China threat" bubble promoted by relevant US politicians is getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, their true intention to curb China's development under the guise of national security is becoming more and more exposed.

For these American politicians, whatever China is advanced is a threat, and all measures must be taken to suppress it. Only shirts and socks exported by China do not pose a threat to the United States.

What American politicians are doing is completely naked bullying.

  American politicians talk about following the rules, but in fact they ignore and break the rules. They talk about fair competition, but in fact they use all means to suppress competitors and deprive other countries of their legitimate rights to development. This despicable behavior should be punished by the international community. social condemnation and disapproval.
