It was in March 2022 that the incident occurred.

The two men had a special permit from the county administration to hunt lynx and drive scooters within a Sami village in Jämtland.

But, according to the indictment, they must have crossed the border to a neighboring Sami village on several occasions and shot two lynx there, one of them just over two kilometers from where the permit applied.

The County Administrative Board became suspicious that the lynx had not been shot in the places that the hunters stated, and nature guards went out into the area to carry out an inspection.

Through scooter tracks, shoe tracks, dog tracks, blood and hair from the lynx, they concluded that the hunt was not conducted in a permitted manner and they describe the hunters' tracks as "reading over an open book".

Last week, both men were charged with serious hunting offenses and violations of area protection.

The men have confirmed certain factual circumstances in police interrogations but deny any crime.