
Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-14:56

  • Catalonia Junts raises a "battle" to include terrorism 24 hours before a new assault for amnesty in Congress

  • Ferraz Sánchez turns the PSOE into "a pineapple" to bury legal doubts about the amnesty: "There is no longer a debate"

The PSOE has held its political convention in

A Coruña

, as the launch of the Galician election campaign, but inevitably for the socialists everything ends up turning towards



The Amnesty Law, the relationship and negotiation with Junts, the struggle between those of Carles Puigdemont and ERC... In a party that controls, now openly - if there were any - Pedro Sánchez with hardly any internal contestation, the socialists exhibit and they proclaim a closing of ranks with the postulates of their leader, despite the fact that this means saying the opposite of what was defended before.

"We have a project that we defend without complexes," is the message from the Federal Executive of the PSOE, in its first meeting after the remodeling that has led to the incorporation of five ministers to the body.

This "project" that they defend "without complexes" includes the "normalization" of relations with Junts and ERC and, also, in the near future meetings of Sánchez with Oriol Junqueras and Carles Puigdemont.

"There is always an opportunity to start over," said

Esther Peña

, the new spokesperson for the Socialist Executive, who was making her debut in office.

"Democracy of generosity" is the new term coined by Ferraz.

Sánchez has already spoken of a "normalization process" in which he considers "logical" and "coherent", among other things, meeting with Puigdemont and Junqueras.

"We must overcome the judicial horizon, the institutional crisis that occurred in 2017 because we consider that we are here to expand democracy and this is more complete if we incorporate all the actors who, due to one circumstance or another, had to leave in 2017," it has been Peña's reflection, in an implicit allusion to the leaders of the



Puigdemont left, but hid in a car to escape from Spanish Justice and since then he has been a fugitive from it.

Junqueras was tried and sentenced by the Supreme Court to 13 years in prison for sedition with embezzlement.

He was later pardoned by the Executive.

This "normalization" process includes monthly meetings between the PSOE and Junts abroad so that Puigdemont can attend.

The socialists state that they will comply with what was agreed and that they contemplate a new meeting being held this January.

"We have to get used to it. It's not something strange. We are going to sit down, talk, agree. With Junts and other parties. We have a roadmap and a horizon and we need the help of all the participants," said Peña.

"The vast majority of all the groups that are in Congress are willing to collaborate in the future and the future of Spain, something that did not happen a few years ago."

Because what the socialists intend to highlight to validate and legitimize their roadmap is that now the independentists negotiate and agree to validate articles of the Constitution, even if it is for unusual and controversial events such as the delegation of migration powers, and that they now contribute to State policies such as the approval of the new anti-crisis package or the Justice decree, a negotiation in which Junts pushed the Government to the limit, evidencing its dependence and obtaining new concessions, not only the delegation of jurisdiction in migration, but to delve into how to facilitate the return of companies to Catalonia, among other issues.