The Sputnik Mundo agency reports this.

According to the agency, the liquidated mercenary comes from a family of the French military elite.

“His father was appointed reserve brigadier general in 2001,” the publication says.

It is clarified that Alexis Drion was part of the second battalion of the international legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On January 17, the Ministry of Defense reported that Russian troops carried out a precision strike on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in Kharkov, the bulk of whom were represented by French mercenaries.

According to available data, more than 60 militants were killed, over 20 were taken to medical institutions.

French Ambassador Pierre Levy, who was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on January 19, was told that the death of French mercenaries in Kharkov lay on the conscience of Paris, which condoned the work in France of mechanisms for sending mercenaries to Ukraine.