It is the organization Nordulv that appealed Kronoberg's protective hunting decision to the administrative court.

The reason for the appeal is that the wolf individual to which the decision applies is considered to be genetically important because it has a Russian-Finnish origin and wolves in Sweden have problems with interbreeding – the same reason that stopped the county administration in Kalmar's protective hunt for the same wolf in December.

Problem wolf behind many attacks

The wolf G93-23 has become a problem for the county's farmers after several attacks on livestock in Kronoberg, Kalmar county, Skåne and Halland in recent months.

During the weekend, there was a similar attack in Osby, Skåne, despite an approved and active predator-repellent fence being installed.

Protective hunting decision also in Skåne

Therefore, the county administrative board in Skåne County has now chosen to also announce a protective hunt.

How do you view the fact that both Kalmar and Kronoberg's decisions have been appealed?

- Then they can appeal our decision as well, we follow the routines that exist for protective hunting, says Tom Espgård agricultural consultant, at the County Administrative Board in Skåne.

Are there confirmed attacks by G93 in Skåne?

- We don't have DNA, so we don't know 100% that it's that one.

The Administrative Court's decision to overturn the protective hunting decision in Kalmar County has been appealed by the County Administrative Court and is now being handled by the Court of Appeal.

They are expected to arrive in mid-February.