As Lapa noted, the percentage of obese people is increasing due to the abundance of sweet and fatty foods.

“And since we eat such food, then, naturally, our deposition of fats and glucose is much greater than it should be.

To avoid obesity, it is enough to eat a healthy diet and be sure to consult a doctor.

If a healthy diet does not help within a month, then you need to go to an endocrinologist, which means endocrinological disorders are already occurring,” says Lapa.

In turn, Solomatina notes that such figures are not the limit.

“Genetics dictates that a person must search hard for food, and if he finds it, he needs to stock up.

Now everything is in abundance.

People spend less and less calories on their daily activities.

Plus the stress has become different.

Previously there were adrenaline ones.

And now there are virtual stresses, and they are superimposed.

And this endless multifunctionality is not characteristic of humans.

Catch up, run away and realize stress.

Now the stress is not realized, it does not end.

And the body produces a certain hormone and says: “Store fat,” she explained.

The specialist also noted that a large amount of fat deposited in the body begins to interfere with the functioning of various systems and disrupt them.

“Eliminating symptoms will no longer help: the liver reacts incorrectly, the brain is already giving the wrong commands.

And all this is part of the culture: clothes were draped, body positivity was invented.

Essentially, food is a legal drug.

No one will scold an overweight person... If the system is not changed, then we will come to the conclusion that each next generation will be fatter and weaker.

Obesity also reduces the birth rate.

There are systemic diseases,” concluded RT’s interlocutor.

Earlier, Rosstat spoke about 419 thousand new cases of obesity identified in 2022 among Russians.