Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Pudong New Area Comprehensive Reform Pilot Implementation Plan (2023-2027)" and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it based on actual conditions.

  The main contents of the "Pudong New Area Comprehensive Reform Pilot Implementation Plan (2023-2027)" are as follows.

  Supporting the high-level reform and opening up of Pudong New Area and building a leading area for socialist modernization are major strategic arrangements made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting the High-level Reform and Opening Up of Pudong New Area to Create a Leading Area for Socialist Modernization Construction", the following plan is now formulated to solidly promote the pilot comprehensive reform of Pudong New Area.

  1. Overall requirements

  Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, deepen high-level opening up to the outside world, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. , strive to promote high-quality development, focus on solving practical problems of reform, opening up and socialist modernization in the new era, give Pudong New Area greater autonomy in reforms in key areas and key links, support the promotion of deeper reforms and higher-level opening up, and take the lead Improve systems and mechanisms in all aspects, accelerate the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system, improve the governance system, improve governance capabilities, and provide support for Pudong New Area to build a leading area for socialist modernization. In the process of comprehensively building a socialist modern country and promoting Chinese-style modernization Better play the role of demonstration and leadership.

  ——Adhere to emancipating the mind, keeping integrity and innovating.

Efforts should be made to break down deep-seated institutional and institutional obstacles, enhance the driving force and vitality of development, target key areas in Pudong New Area that have reform scenarios and have the conditions to take the lead in breakthroughs, launch more substantive measures, promote successful experiences in a timely manner, and better leverage breakthroughs in the overall reform and driving role.

  ——Adhere to open cooperation and try things first.

Focusing on the establishment of a new open economic system that is interconnected with internationally accepted rules, we will take the lead in promoting institutional openness such as rules, regulations, management, and standards, implement a greater degree of stress testing, and enhance the linkage effect of the two resources in the two domestic and international markets, so as to National institutional open exploration experience.

  ——Adhere to the system concept, collaboration and efficiency.

Plan and promote reforms from the perspective of the entire process of economic development, the entire chain of industrial development, and the entire life cycle of enterprise development, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and strengthen the full linkage and connection of reform measures. Amplify the comprehensive effect of reforms.

  ——Adhere to joint construction, sharing and meticulous governance.

Adhere to the people's city built by the people and the people's city for the people, focus on solving the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the people, promote innovation in governance concepts, governance models, and governance methods, improve the social governance system of joint construction, joint governance and sharing, improve social governance efficiency, and create high-quality life and explore effective paths for megacity governance.

  ——Adhere to laws and regulations and keep the bottom line.

Use legal thinking and legal methods to promote reforms and ensure that all reforms are advanced on the track of the rule of law.

We should coordinate development and safety, enhance risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, and resolutely maintain the bottom line of safety.

  By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, institutional innovation has achieved important stage results, high-level institutional opening-up has achieved breakthroughs, the competitiveness of the scientific and technological innovation system has significantly improved, global resource allocation capabilities have significantly enhanced, the level of urban governance has significantly improved, and a number of landmark reforms The results are promoted publicly.

By 2027, the pilot tasks will be basically completed, breakthrough progress will be made in institutional innovation, significant results will be achieved in the construction of a high-standard market system and a new high-level open economic system, and the urban governance system will be more complete, setting an important example and guidance for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. .

  2. Increase the opening up of rules and standards and create an institutional openness demonstration window

  (1) Improve the high-standard market rules system.

On the basis of the national unified negative list for market access, we will formulate and implement special measures to relax market access in Pudong New Area and build a high-level market access system.

Explore the orderly relaxation of foreign investment access restrictions in telecommunications services, medical and health and other service consumer markets.

Improve the connection mechanism between the negative list for foreign investment access and the negative list for market access.

Explore and build a digital economic rule system, implement a new classified and hierarchical data trading mechanism, and rely on data exchanges to improve the trustworthy circulation capacity of data.

Explore the separate property rights operation mechanism such as data resource holding rights, data processing and use rights, and data product operating rights.

Promote the orderly opening of public data to business entities.

Optimize the resolution mechanism for foreign-related commercial disputes, and explore ways for parties to foreign-related commercial disputes registered in Pudong New Area to independently agree on the application of specific arbitration rules in Pudong New Area and have specific arbitrators arbitrate relevant disputes based on relevant authorizations.

Encourage commercial mediation organizations to mediate foreign-related commercial disputes and explore the establishment of commercial mediation system rules that have Chinese characteristics and are in line with international standards.

Deepen the reform of the inspection, testing and certification system and promote mutual recognition of Chinese and foreign standards.

Foreign-invested enterprises are encouraged to participate in the formulation of domestic standards in accordance with the law.

Strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the cultural field and build an open exchange zone for Shanghai culture and art.

Promote the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Lingang New Area to further deepen reform and expand opening up in the fields of cutting-edge industrial development, cross-border and offshore finance, new international trade, etc., support the docking of international high-standard economic and trade rules, and promote institutional opening up, Be the first to achieve breakthroughs in several key areas.

On the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, support high-level cooperation with trade center cities through mechanisms such as inter-local government agreements.

Carry out stress testing of relevant provisions of international high-standard economic and trade rules and explore a risk prevention system that is compatible with a higher level of opening up.

  (2) Improve the global resource allocation function.

Promote two-way financial opening up and explore implementation paths for capital account convertibility.

We will do a good job in the pilot work of integrated local and foreign currency capital pools to improve the convenience of cross-border receipts and payments by multinational enterprise groups.

Develop the futures market in a steady and orderly manner, and launch futures products such as shipping index in a timely manner.

Support the asset management industry to smooth domestic and overseas capital investment channels in accordance with laws and regulations, and optimize business models in terms of capital sources, investment methods, capital operations, etc.

Implement the global asset management partnership program.

Pilot the use of digital renminbi in trade settlement, e-commerce payment, carbon trading, green power trading and other fields, and standardize and expand the application scenarios of digital renminbi in the use of fiscal funds.

Support headquarters institutions in developing offshore economic and trade business.

Improve the financial supervision coordination mechanism, strengthen information sharing and coordinated supervision between the central and local governments, and enhance the international financial business supervision capabilities of financial regulatory agencies based in Shanghai.

Innovate the management mechanism of international organizations and support the establishment of headquarters of international organizations in Pudong New Area.

  (3) Improve the cross-border flow mechanism of commodities and factors.

Explore a highly convenient customs clearance mechanism, explore and deepen the application of "Internet +", and simplify the customs clearance process for real-time traceability of goods.

Continue to promote the integration and optimization of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone.

Support the comprehensive development of the north side of Xiaoyangshan and enhance the air passenger and cargo hub function of Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

Explore the "one-unit" management of multimodal transport business across rivers, seas, land, air and railways.

Pilot new fuel bunkering services such as bonded liquefied natural gas for international navigation ships.

Explore data asset management, international certification of digital identities, etc., promote the facilitation of digital trade delivery and settlement, and build a digital trade service platform.

Support the Lingang New Area of ​​the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in exploring the establishment of a safe and convenient data flow mechanism, allowing the convenience of cross-border data flow to be improved while complying with legal and regulatory requirements and ensuring safety.

Research high-standard data security management rule systems that are in line with international standards, innovate data supervision mechanisms, and actively explore and optimize cross-border data flow management measures.

  3. Improve the scientific and technological innovation system and build an open innovation ecosystem

  (4) Optimize the scientific and technological innovation management mechanism and resource allocation.

Promote the integrated innovation of the basic research system, improve the sustainable and stable investment mechanism, support the legal establishment of science foundations with various types of funds in frontier fields, and establish a directional donation mechanism for scientific and technological innovation that is open to the world.

Explore a global frontier technology research mechanism, support various superior scientific research institutions and enterprises to undertake the national strategic frontier technology research tasks, and encourage Chinese and foreign scientists to jointly carry out high-level research focusing on global science and technology frontier issues.

Innovate the market-oriented transfer and transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements, and explore the establishment of a government-funded scientific research achievement evaluation, commercial transformation, and revenue sharing mechanism.

Support the construction of a global offshore innovation base in the Lingang New Area of ​​the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and explore an "offshore pivot" mechanism that proactively integrates into the global scientific and technological innovation network.

Optimize the support mechanism for new R&D institutions, promote the construction of the Yangtze River Delta International Advanced Technology Application Promotion Center, improve the application transformation mechanism for major needs of advanced technology services, explore the implementation of first-time government orders, and support the promotion and application of new technologies.

  (5) Build an industrial development ecosystem.

On the premise of complying with relevant regulations, establish a chief manufacturing officer system for key industries with entrepreneurs as the main body.

Formulate a scenario innovation plan and open it to technological innovation enterprises, and hold a scenario-driven global technology transformation competition.

Give full play to the role of the patent navigation decision-making mechanism and encourage enterprises to develop key technology patent layouts.

Promote the construction of industrial software research and development and application promotion platforms, and rely on existing institutions to establish process knowledge registration and trading platforms.

Carry out autonomous driving test applications in compliance with laws and regulations.

Establish a collaborative innovation mechanism for biomedicine, promote medical institutions, universities, and scientific research institutes to strengthen clinical research cooperation, allow new biomedicine products to be priced according to similar international drugs in accordance with relevant regulations, and support the development of innovative drugs and medical device industries.

Support the construction of a Yangtze River Delta medical tissue bank that complies with international medical ethics and management and operation rules.

  (6) Improve the international collaborative innovation mechanism of open cooperation.

Deepen international cooperation in basic scientific research and build a world center for cutting-edge science exchanges.

Relying on the forum of the world's top scientists, we will carry out research on major common scientific and technological issues.

Design and lead the launch of international major science plans and major science projects, and improve supporting mechanisms such as project decision-making, operation management, performance evaluation, and financial funding.

Promote cross-border scientific and technological innovation cooperation, support top overseas universities and research institutions in setting up major technological forward-looking innovation bases in Pudong New Area, and encourage multinational companies to establish R&D centers.

Support technology companies to establish R&D laboratories overseas, and jointly build R&D centers and laboratories with countries co-building the “Belt and Road”.

Explore and formulate ethical rules in major global frontier scientific and technological fields such as artificial intelligence and biomedicine, establish a collaborative review mechanism, and build a fast track for ethical review.

Attract and cultivate international science and technology organizations, optimize registration procedures, allow members to be recruited globally, and establish and improve a comprehensive regulatory mechanism.

Support international industry and standards organizations to locate in Pudong New Area.

  (7) Promote financial support for scientific and technological innovation.

Improve the capital market's institutional arrangements for listing financing, mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations of technology companies, study the timely introduction of options products on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and provide financial service conveniences such as local and foreign currency settlement for cross-border technology transactions.

Encourage the development of venture capital, support and guide private capital to participate in the establishment of venture capital funds and equity investment funds in a market-oriented manner, and cultivate angel investor groups.

Support the establishment of venture capital or private investment funds that are connected with the life cycle of science and technology innovation enterprises and match the financing of science and technology innovation, and develop financial products that match the development cycle, risk characteristics, and capital needs of venture capital enterprises.

Improve the corporate merger and acquisition fund market with diversified sources of funds and smooth exit channels.

Improve the quality and efficiency of technology insurance services, rely on the Shanghai Insurance Exchange, carry out exploration of insurance products, technologies, models and other aspects in accordance with laws and regulations, and deepen the pilot of technology insurance risk compensation mechanisms in accordance with market-oriented principles.

Improve the loan guarantee fund policy for small, medium and micro enterprises.

Implement a special pilot project for financial integration of science and technology industry.

  (8) Improve high-level intellectual property protection and utilization systems.

Comprehensively strengthen the judicial protection of intellectual property rights and further promote the reform of the intellectual property trial and procuratorial systems.

Under the current legal framework, promote the application of the burden-of-proof shifting system in more intellectual property cases.

Pilot a priority recommendation mechanism for mediation of intellectual property infringement disputes.

Explore and improve the intellectual property protection mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Promote the innovation of the trade secret protection system and improve the rules and guidelines for the protection of trade secrets.

Improve the market-based pricing and cross-regional trading mechanisms for intellectual property rights, and optimize public services for intellectual property operations.

Support the registration of cross-regional works based on the principle of "the place where the copyright act occurs".

Foreign intellectual property service agencies are allowed to establish permanent representative offices in Pudong New Area in accordance with the law and carry out cross-border business related to intellectual property.

  4. Deepen the reform of talent development systems and mechanisms, and accelerate the construction of high-level talent highlands

  (9) Innovate institutional mechanisms to attract and gather outstanding talents from around the world.

Grant Pudong New Area the authority to review and issue confirmation letters for high-end foreign talents to qualified foreign talents.

Build a leading area for international talent development, support qualified foreign talents to serve as legal representatives of institutions and state-owned enterprises in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Lingang New Area, and Zhangjiang Science City, and allow foreign scientists with permanent residence qualifications to work in Pudong New Area takes the lead in undertaking national science and technology plan projects, serves as the legal representative of new research and development institutions, and attracts high-level talents from around the world to take the lead in scientific and technological innovation projects.

Improve the talent introduction mechanism that connects with industry needs, and issue work permits of corresponding categories.

Optimize the overall introduction and supporting service mechanism of the leading talent project team, improve the convenience of introduction, approval and stay of team members, and implement supporting service policies such as talent echelon, scientific research conditions, management mechanism and so on.

Support leading companies in setting up academician and expert workstations in accordance with national regulations.

A pilot program will open access to overseas academic websites to national laboratories, major science and technology infrastructure, and units undertaking major science and technology projects.

  (10) Improve the full-chain training and utilization system for urgently needed professionals.

Establish a "teaching and mentoring" mechanism for top scientists to cultivate high-level compound talents with the potential of strategic scientists.

Explore the cooperation between high-quality high schools and domestic first-class universities to build a joint training model for top innovative talents in mathematics and science.

Optimize the planning and layout of corporate postdoctoral scientific research workstations, and improve the postdoctoral "innovation practice base-workstation-independent station" full-chain working mechanism.

Improve the identification standards for highly skilled talents applicable to different industries.

Build a high-level modern industrial college.

Explore and establish a talent evaluation system oriented by innovative value, ability, and contribution, and give employers and industry organizations the dominant position in talent evaluation.

Establish senior professional title evaluation committees in key industries and independently formulate evaluation standards for urgently needed talents in Pudong New Area.

Support qualified enterprises and industry organizations to independently carry out professional skill level certification.

Support new business formats and new model enterprises in applying for new occupations, and jointly formulate evaluation standards for skilled talents.

Improve the income distribution policy oriented by the value of knowledge, and improve the income distribution mechanism that reflects the value of innovation elements such as knowledge and technology.

Support Pudong New Area to cooperate with universities, scientific research institutions, and enterprises in countries that jointly build the “Belt and Road” to establish a joint training mechanism for young scientific and technological talents, encourage enterprises to establish international talent training bases and collaborative innovation centers, and attract outstanding young talents to come to China to study, exchange, innovate and start businesses .

  (11) Provide entry, exit, and residence convenience for foreign talents.

Foreigners invited to Pudong New Area to carry out important scientific research, exchanges, commerce and other activities are allowed to apply for long-term multiple entry and exit valid visas.

Optimize the review and approval management process for foreign talents’ work and residence certificates, and strengthen the integration of foreign talent certificate review and approval.

Focusing on high-tech, professional services and other fields, we will formulate a list of recognized Hong Kong, Macao and international professional qualification certificates in accordance with national authorization.

Qualified overseas professionals are allowed to participate in specific major projects with temporary practice licenses.

  (12) Provide a good environment for all types of talents to live and work in peace and contentment.

Improve the comprehensive human resources service system.

Deepen the reform of the household registration system and adjust and improve the point settlement policy.

We will improve the residence permit system, encourage the expansion of the scope of public services and improve service standards based on actual conditions, and steadily promote the full coverage of basic public services for the permanent population.

We will improve social security policies that adapt to new employment forms and do a good job in protecting labor rights and interests.

Carry out reforms to facilitate services such as medical care, education, finance, travel, and accommodation for foreigners.

Strengthen housing security for talents, coordinate land use indicators, and optimize the housing supply mechanism.

  5. Deepen the transformation of government functions and stimulate the vitality of various business entities

  (13) Create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment.

Comprehensively implement the reform of the administrative licensing notification and commitment system based on corporate credit.

Deepen the reform of the investment project approval system and improve the facilitation level of investment approval services.

Improve the architect responsibility system, explore and promote the reform of the construction project quality supervision and maintenance system, and encourage units to purchase project quality insurance.

Carry out the "multi-type-in-one" reform of express delivery business licenses.

Improve the efficiency of government supervision, promote the reengineering and coordination of cross-department and cross-level supervision processes, establish a comprehensive supervision platform for key industries, and improve the efficiency of comprehensive supervision and risk prevention.

Adhere to equal emphasis on development and regulation, strengthen risk monitoring and early warning, and innovate supervision methods for new industries and new business formats.

Promote digital transformation and development of investment and construction.

Establish integrated services and precise response mechanisms covering the entire life cycle of the enterprise.

  (14) Strengthen the government’s own construction.

Improve the government's trustworthy and promise-keeping mechanism, incorporate government contract performance and promise-keeping services into the government performance evaluation system, establish and improve the accountability and investigation system for government breach of trust, and increase the intensity of punishment for government breach of trust.

Explore administrative performance evaluation and incentive mechanisms based on quantitative assessment.

Optimize institutional staffing and guarantees in accordance with various tasks for the reform, innovation and development of Pudong New Area.

We will innovate the establishment of government agencies and the appointment model of civil servants, and improve the management of civil servants under the appointment system.

Continue to improve the standardization, digitalization and intelligence of government services.

  (15) Improve the basic system of fair competition.

Create a good legal environment for the protection of property rights and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs, and equally protect the economic property rights of all types of ownership.

Comprehensively implement the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list management system for foreign investment, and equally protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investment in accordance with the law.

Strengthen fair competition review and clean up regulations and practices that violate the principle of fair competition.

Implement a fair and unified market supervision system, break down hidden barriers to project bidding, improve credit restoration and objection appeal mechanisms after correction of untrustworthy behavior, and improve the operational convenience of honest and law-abiding enterprises.

Deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, optimize the functions of state-owned assets supervision agencies in Pudong New Area, clarify the responsibilities of state-owned asset investors, improve the selection and employment mechanism, improve the assessment and incentive mechanism, and study the reorganization or establishment of state-owned capital investment and operations with innovation and entrepreneurship investment as the main business. The company delegates power scientifically and reasonably.

Support state-owned enterprises in the field of full competition to introduce strategic investors to become active shareholders to participate in corporate governance, and explore the conversion of part of state-owned equity into preferred shares.

Support qualified state-owned technology enterprises to develop equity and dividend incentives.

  6. Deepen the practice of people's city construction and explore new ways to govern megacities

  (16) Innovate and high-efficiency urban governance system.

Improve the mechanism for party building to lead grassroots governance, promote the interconnection and interaction of street community party building, unit party building, building party building, and industry party building to form a synergy for grassroots governance and collaboratively solve governance problems.

Improve the mass participation mechanism in urban governance, carry out the entire process of governance effectiveness evaluation, strengthen the linkage between the government and enterprises, industry associations, chambers of commerce and other social organizations, build a comprehensive regional governance system in which all parties work in the same direction and collaborate efficiently, so that the people become the mainstay of urban governance. Active participant.

Innovate the tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations and create a harmonious labor relations demonstration zone.

Establish an intelligent coordination and improvement mechanism for urban governance, improve the City Information Model (CIM) platform, promote the application of smart city spatio-temporal big data platforms, and create digital twin cities.

Establish and improve a comprehensive monitoring and early warning mechanism for urban safety risks, and strengthen prevention and response to natural disasters such as severe convective weather.

  (17) Establish a high-quality livelihood service supply system.

Support domestic key universities to introduce well-known foreign institutions to establish high-level Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions in Pudong New Area to increase the supply of high-quality and international educational resources.

Promote the expansion of high-quality medical resources and rationally allocate medical and health resources.

Continue to optimize the management of drugs and medical devices.

Build an international medical service cluster and expand the opening of medical and health services.

Support international medical institutions to establish medical institutions in the form of joint ventures or cooperation.

Improve the public health system, improve the prevention, control and treatment system and emergency response mechanism for major epidemics.

Improve the elderly care service system that coordinates home and community institutions and combines medical and health care, and encourage the provision of inclusive elderly care services.

Improve the policy system for the supply of affordable housing, and explore financing channels and income distribution mechanisms for the construction of affordable rental housing on collective commercial construction land.

Build a high-level national fitness public service system.

  (18) Promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

The energy consumption intensity target will be assessed in an overall manner during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. Newly added renewable energy and raw material energy will not be included in the total energy consumption control. It will explore the adjustment of the total energy consumption and intensity to the "dual balance" of the total amount and intensity of carbon emissions. An effective path to transform the "control" system and improve the incentive and restraint mechanism.

Explore and promote the construction of carbon emission and carbon footprint certification standard systems for industrial and consumer products, and connect them with relevant international standards and rules.

Carry out incremental power distribution pilots and nearby consumption of distributed renewable energy in specific areas.

On the premise of legal compliance and effective risk prevention and control, support the exploration and development of diversified green financial products.

We will further promote the fine classification and recycling of garbage and improve the level of resource conservation and intensive utilization.

Establish and improve an off-site supervision and law enforcement system focusing on automatic monitoring of pollution sources.

Improve the environmental and social governance evaluation system and promote relevant enterprises and institutions to disclose environmental information in accordance with the law.

  (19) Promote the in-depth integrated development of urban and rural areas.

Establish and improve the urban and rural spatial layout optimization mechanism, and support the implementation of a management and control model for the total amount of construction land according to the planning period on the premise of committing to strictly implement control indicators at the end of the planning period.

Optimize the approval mechanism for converting agricultural land other than permanent basic farmland into construction land, and explore implementation paths for refined management and control of permanent basic farmland.

In accordance with the unified deployment, we will deepen the pilot market entry of rural collective commercial construction land, and improve the coordination mechanism for the distribution of land value-added income and compensation for land acquisition and demolition.

On the premise of fully protecting farmers' rights and interests, support multiple channels to revitalize and utilize idle rural homestead resources to increase farmers' property income.

Focus on counterpart support areas and innovate the cost sharing and benefit sharing mechanisms of the enclave economy.

  7. Safeguard measures

  (20) Uphold and strengthen the party’s leadership.

Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, we will improve the working mechanism, strengthen overall coordination, solidly promote the comprehensive reform pilot in Pudong New Area, and implement the party's leadership throughout the entire process of the comprehensive reform pilot.

Comprehensively implement the "three distinctions", hold accountable scientifically and accurately, do a good job in error tolerance and correction, protect the enthusiasm of cadres and officers for entrepreneurship, reform and innovation, and encourage cadres to dare to take responsibility and act actively.

  (21) Improve the working mechanism.

To establish a collaborative and joint working mechanism, the National Development and Reform Commission must strengthen overall planning and coordination; relevant parties must follow the requirements of this plan and the approved list of matters, and grant relevant management rights to Pudong New Area in accordance with laws and regulations; Shanghai City must actively carry out comprehensive reform pilots for Pudong New Area Create conditions to increase decentralization and coordination support in relevant fields; Pudong New Area must effectively assume the main responsibility of the pilot, actively explore and continuously optimize implementation paths, conscientiously do a good job in specific implementation work, and ensure that various reform tasks are advanced in a solid and orderly manner.

  (22) Strengthen the protection of the rule of law.

Establish and improve laws, regulations, and policy adjustment mechanisms that support the comprehensive reform pilot.

The various reform policy measures proposed in this plan, which involve adjusting existing laws or administrative regulations, will be implemented after authorization from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the State Council.

The Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee will formulate relevant regulations for Pudong New Area in accordance with the legislative authorization of the National People's Congress Standing Committee and in conjunction with the implementation needs of this plan.

To temporarily adjust the implementation of relevant laws and regulations, it is necessary to establish and improve a full-chain and full-field supervision system before, during and after the event.

After the expiration of the pilot period, if practice proves that it is feasible, relevant laws and regulations will be modified and improved according to procedures; if practice proves that it is not appropriate to adjust, relevant laws and regulations will be resumed.

  (23) Timely summary and evaluation.

The National Development and Reform Commission must work with relevant departments to promptly follow up on the progress of comprehensive reform pilots and strengthen overall coordination, guidance and evaluation.

All relevant parties must focus on consolidating the results of comprehensive reform pilots, solidify effective experiences and practices in appropriate forms and promote them on a wider scale, conduct timely analysis and evaluation of new situations and new problems, and conduct pilot measures that have not achieved expected results. Make timely adjustments and improvements.

Major matters shall be promptly reported to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for instructions.