It was discovered on Sunday that the university's salary system is covered by the large ransomeware attack against the IT supplier Tietoevry.

Something that P4 Kronoberg was the first to tell.

- Right now we know nothing about how long this problem will last, but it is clear that we have close contacts with the supplier, says LNU's head of security Marie Brorsson to SVT.

Crisis group activated

The crisis group at LNU has been activated to try to find solutions now, while the IT suppliers Tietoevry are struggling to get the systems up and running for a number of customers.

The group consists of managers in IT, HR, finance and security departments.

Unable to report wages

Now that the personnel and payroll system Primula is down, it is not possible for the staff to register sick or handle salary reporting in the usual way.

The salary must be paid on the 25th but without an electronic salary statement.

Paper-based options do not exist.

According to Marie Brorsson, there is no risk of sensitive information being leaked.

Tietoevry has confirmed that the hacker group Akira, which has been linked to Russia, is behind the IT attack.